Chapter 10

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Authors note: hello! Sorry it took so long for me to get this chapter out, I wrote it like a week ago and just kept erasing stuff, nothing I was writing was sounding good to me. So apologies!!! I have a good idea as to where I want this story to go! So I hope you hang in there for the long hall! 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍


Pushing the doors open the the Mess Hall I keep my eyes pinned forward as I walk over to grab a bowl of stew.

"Y/N!" Hanges hand was around my arm tugging me.

"I've already saved you a seat at the Captain table!" She was pulling me in the direction of a table full of higher ups, two of them being Levi and Erwin.

Planting my feet firmly into the ground the squeaking of my boots pulls everyone's attention to me, including Levis. He looked unreadable, sipping on his tea. That was until my eyes landed in the small girl beside him, she was gawking up at him as he paid her no mind. But his eyes caught what I was seeing and they instantly softened, almost looked filled with remorse.

"That's fine Hange, I have a squad anyways I'm sure I'd just stick out like a sore thumb." Attempt to pull my arm free but it's no use.

"Nonsene!! And sore thumb!? Your fighting skills resemble our Humanity's Strongest over here! We've never seen anything quite like it before, right Levi?!" Hange had yanked me down into a seat directly in front of Levi.

His boot I found my leg without a issue, rubbing his heel up and down my leg slowly.

"Tch, she's a Captain, it's what's expected." Levi hisses back at her. Giving me absolutely no credit.

It wasn't like he had forgotten all those times he had trained with me in the underground. Constantly hounding me about my fighting stance and how it was weak, that I could easily be laid out. He was worried I'd be taken advantage of during the short times he would leave me. He ran drills with me over and over again until I was blue in the face. So why was he keeping his past with me a secret.

If he wanted to act like that two could play at that game. Raising my head, I pull my leg to the side away from his reach. My eyes meet his as I watch them fill with anger.

"Yes well, I do what's required of me. Spending most of my time training and training others it leaves little time for much else." My eyes panned over to Petra as the words fell from my mouth and then back to his.

He knew what I was insinuating, and he hated it.

"Captain Y/N, I wanted to formally thank you for saving me back there. If it weren't for you.... I would have missed out on many great things in this world." Her eyes looked slightly over at Levi as she blushed.

Annoyed with the conversations I give it no more room to grow.

"I'm a Captain, it's what's expected." Slowly pulling my eyes from her and then down to my stew. I didn't need to look up to know he was staring at me, he knew I was upset.

For a good reason too, he was clearly still involved in some sort of way with this young one, it wasn't her fault that she fell into some fucked up love triangle. But it is what it is. He lied, balls deep in me and he could still lie. So why would I take anything he said serious anymore.

Time passed almost to slow. The Captains continued to carry on their conversations, going over numbers and the cadets we lost.

The sound of someone sniffing directly behind my ear startles me, causing me to almost jump out of my seat.

"Oh don't mind him, this is Mike Zacharias! He's one of the scouts most valuable assets, seeing how his sense of smell is so sharp he's able to sniff out Titans before they come into close proximity! He smells everyone, it's how he gets a good sense of you!" Hange was quick to jump to his defense, giving me a cheeky smile.

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