Chapter 13/ Levi POV

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Levi POV

"Where are they?" Kicking in door after door inside the base. Quite frankly I could care less who I was inconveniencing with my obnoxious searching. I saw them, I saw that look. I knew it all to well, she used to give me those eyes right before she'd devour me alive.

"Tch, over my dead body." Hissing though my clenched jaw as I continued to search empty room after empty room.

I couldn't stop the intrusive thoughts of James taking what is mine over and over again, all because I was to late to stop it. I wouldn't allow it to happen.

I knew I was wrong, especially after Petras lovely performance at the table. I should be elsewhere tending to her needs. Figure out as to if she truly is pregnant or not, I guess one to many of those late night hook ups.

She... it was stress relieving at best. I had only touched Petra once since Y/N's and I's last entanglement but I couldn't even bring myself to finish. My head was full of constant flashbacks of Y/N and our intimate affairs, it was torturous.

Even now the flashbacks continued to cloud my mind.

Petra moaning into my desk as I shove her face further into the hard wood. Doing anything I could to remove her face from my mind and replace it with Y/N's. Even going as far as to cover her mouth just to shut her up. No longer able to hear her cries for mercy when I had none in left in me to give, I couldn't stand the sound of her whimpers as I continued to take out my confusion on the poor girl.

Turing the corner I kick in the last door to the right before heading down to the next hall to continue my search.

James was standing in the middle of his room, pulling his shirt up and over his head. Only a single candle lit to give sight, quite intimate if you ask me.

Not caring about his boundaries I quickly step inside shoving him in the process out of my way.

"Where is she?" Yanking the door closed to check behind it as I make my way to his closet.


"Cut the shit James you know exactly who. Don't even start, you think I haven't noticed the way you've been sniffing around her? I'm watching her always!" Closing the gap between us I bring my forearm up to his neck. Shoving him backwards into the door, choking him in the process.

"She's mine James, Mine." Bringing a single finger up to my chest, pointing at myself.

"Always has been, always will be. When are you going to learn your place?" Seething through clenched teeth as my choke on him only tightens.

"My place? yours beside that cadet you conveniently knocked up, ha ... gi... give me a break."James hands came up to claw at my single arm. Seeing him beginning to go blue from the lack of oxygen, I release my grip all together.

His hands quickly come up to claw at his throat as he sucks in air quite literally like his life depended on it.

"You lost that chance Levi, you know that just as well as I do now. Y/N's not yours anymore so stop claiming her like some animal. You had your chance and you blew it, hell you've had NUMEROUS chances and that angel of a woman has only ever given you more. It's time to step back, allow someone else's a chance. Allow her some happiness after everything you've put her through." James narrowed his eyes at me.

"And that someone to bring her happiness is going to be you?" I couldn't help but laugh at his comical attempt to stand his ground against me. He was never good at this when it came to going up against me.

"I deserve it! She deserves it! Someone who isn't going to be constantly breaking her heart and putting others before her, someone to truly look af-

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