Chapter 38/ Levi POV

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Virgil and Allie were kind enough to lend me their single room above the tavern.

It was nothing to write home about, but for a night it was luxury.

My feet and legs ached, tired of running.

It was nice not having to look over my shoulder for a few hours out of my day. Even if that meant those hours were spent sleeping.

My body needed it, with the pregnancy I had been growing exhausted faster. I felt like I needed at least two naps a day and four meals to top that off. I was starving ALWAYS.

The morning sickness didn't help either.

I was sick all the time, not a good combination for a single mother on the the run.

I'd have to make due, there was no sense in crying about it.

Virgil recommended a family doctor, probably picking up on the sexual assault based off of my appearance.

I appreciated it, but I wasn't planning on going. I couldn't, and pay the fine doctor with what? My sob story?

No, that would be humiliating. He probably gets his fair share of young woman who all have the same sob story.

"He took advantage of me, I didn't want it! He forced himself on me!"

Blah, blah, blah.

He's heard every line in the book, I wouldn't be the next.

That was sad, that woman like me were treated as a nuisance.

If I was being honest with myself I was worried. Not for myself though. The vaginal tears and lacerations would heal in time. That didn't mean they weren't painful, but it wasn't me I was concerned for.

Tommy was rough on me. Sexually and physically.

I worried for my baby.

I wanted to get my child checked, make sure there was still a heartbeat. And that everything was okay.

I decided then, I'd find some cash and see a doctor.

But that required me finding a stable place to lay low long enough to hold a small job.

Something, anything.

I just needed to start saving. I needed to find somewhere we could live. Me and the baby. Somewhere safe to raise a child.

I had no intention on going back to the Scouts, not yet at least.

I wanted to stay in hiding, at least until the baby was born, and old enough to no longer need me by its side.

I guess when I put it like that... Joining the scouts seemed pretty far fetched. A distant dream.

I'm sure I'd have MP's on my ass soon enough, too.

Running from my obligation to the scouts, the deal me and Levi had made so long ago.

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