Chapter 45/ Levi POV

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Authors note: This fan art... that's all. 🤤🤤.


I felt better, good I guess you could say.

I couldn't really allow myself the pleasure of sleep. Not until Levi that was. He was the only one I truly trusted. I knew his intentions were pure when it came to her, to our daughter. He would protect her with his life. I was certain of it.

This made for easy sleep.

It took me all but two seconds to pass out, drooling all over his arm and neck, legs slung over his as I held onto him and Faye.

His smell, tea and sandalwood, it was nostalgic. He smelt fresh and soothing. Both me and Faye were instantly out by it.

She slept, she actually slept. Long and hard enough for me to sleep and wake up to run away to the kitchen.

That was longer then ever before.

She knew Levi was her dad, she just had to. She was comfortable around him. It showed, even though he wasn't around for the pregnancy they still had their ties to one another, she came from him after all.

He had a way with her. She had a way with him. I hated myself for ever keeping those two apart. It wasn't right. It was selfish. But that didn't mean I was just willing to go back to the way things were, jump back into bed with him. He hurt me, fucking bad.

We had major discussions ahead.

Looking back into the bedroom I can see Levi passed out. Head tilted to the side as one of his hands rests on her small baby butt and other holds her head to his chest, his scouts cape laid over the both of them as a blanket. His cheek resting against her head, she rises and falls like a little attachment on his chest.

I didn't want to bother them, he needed this. She needed it, the needed to connect with one another. But my stomach was saying something different.

We needed a few things. Faye needed stuff, there wasn't a crumb of food in this house. I'd have to go out.

I question it for another second.

Faye hasn't been away from me since birth. We haven't been apart. This was just as hard for me as it was for her. I had grown attached to the little thing.

She may need me, get hungry.


Levi is her father.

I need to trust in him that he can handle it, besides I will only be a few short minutes.

Pulling a pair of black jeans on I knot up Levi's shirt. It was far to big.

Pulling the pick from my hair I allow it to fall around my face. Natural curls and body due to days of not washing it.

Good, I guess I'd fit right in.

Running my fingers through it a few times I lean in, feeling Levi's chest pocket, for his coins. I knew he always carried extra amounts.

Constantly to pay off debts or helping others, truly he was a good person, a little bit of a softy if you ask me.

My fingers come in contact with a small sack.

Not what I wanted but it will do.

I pull it free, dumping about 20 coins out.

I'd only need like, 4.


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