Chapter 6/ Levi POV

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Authors note: Hello I just wanted to let everyone know I've gotten some good ideas that I want to use for this story. If you've read my other book then you know what's coming. Get ready for a lot of jealousy and rivalry. Hope you enjoy.
......................................................................Levi POV

It had been a week or two since my last run in with Y/N.

I felt terrible. I never meant for things to go as far as they did. If I was being honest with myself I never meant for it to go as far as it had.

I was just having a hard time coming to terms with Y/N working in such a line of work.... where she is required her to give her attention to such..... filth. It upset me to no end, and I didn't know why, I barley knew Y/N, we had just met. But then again.... laying with her and sharing something so intimate just felt natural with her. I felt strangely protective over her. I didn't want any of those other filthy men to touch her in the ways I had. They didn't deserve to, I never had.

I had been with many others but not like her. We fit well, it was just ....... different.

I had been taking strolls around the underground to clear my mind at night. I don't know what I was expecting maybe to run into her? Anything just a sign. Something to direct me in the right way to go.

"Move! Get your ass up and move now!" Y/N and her friend both came tumbling out of a nearby house. Somersaulting together they both slam down into the filthy street.

Y/N is on her feet in a second, looking back behind her with wide eyes.

"Cynthia MOVE!" Y/N had picked Cynthia up by the back of her shirt and belt buckle, launching her away from her just in time for Y/N to be yanked backwards by her hair.

It was almost to fast to see, Y/N had pulled a blade out of her boot sending it into the mans rib cage.

A fist collides into her face the same second. Blood instantly starts to poor from her nose.

"Y/N!" Her friend was screaming for her.

"Go!!! Now!!!! I have this!" Two other men had come out of the house grabbing ahold of Y/N's legs as she thrashed around. They picked her up as she continued to fight on.

One of the scumbags went for her shirt, but Y/N was able to send her foot into his chest just in time stopping him.

"Y/N please! It's my fault, take me!" She was pleading a begging Y/N now. But Y/N had a her hands full herself. She didn't have time to acknowledge the young girl.

"Count yourself lucky that we aren't collecting YOUR stolen debt from you. Now get out of here!" Cynthia was kicked in the chest by one of the other men that was holding onto Y/N.

Already knowing where this was going I wasn't to eager to let another moment pass with their hands around her. I wanted them off, and I wanted them off now.

Stepping forward I grab onto Cynthia's shoulder pulling her back to me. She turns around, almost looking even more frightened then before.

"You heard her. Go." I pulled the small girl behind me giving her a slight push to direct her in the right direction.

"How much did the young one steal?" Tilting my head to the side. Bringing my hand up to pinch the bridge of my nose. Honestly I couldn't take the sight of their hands on her, I was trying to control myself.

I heard them all stop as they must have heard my question.

"Levi huh, we've heard all about you. But this doesn't concern you. This ones already taken the place of her friend. The debt will be paid reguar-"

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