Authors Note

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Hello my lovelies! If your reading this thank you for taking interest in my book. If you came from my other LeviXreader hi 😉

Levi is just such a desirable character to me I have so many ideas I'd like to write out. That being said I hope you enjoy this.

This story along with my other one will play by my rules. It will still take place in the Attack on Titan world it just might be tweaked and altered slightly to accommodate my timeline and events.

So just so everyone knows this story takes place during to No Regrets chapter of Levis life and will move into the Scouts.

To keep things interesting and allowing myself enough wiggle room to move around in this story I'm going to place Levi at the age of 23-24. Y/N will be a whopping 20.

I always encourage you all to comment and like the chapters that really stand out to you! Please keep the comments nice though. We all are here for the same reason. To simp over this godly man.

Also I'm am known to leave a few spelling errors in from time to time, so please bare with me. I re read each chapter at least 5 times and it eats me alive every time I find a mess up. I just don't want to blow everyone's phones up every time I find a slip up.

Okay! Well I don't want to give away to much so I've left it pretty vague. I hope you guys enjoy it!

As always, my books may touch on sensitive topics. I will NOT be placing any trigger warnings for any chapter, I simply feel like it takes away from the story when you know what's going to happen. If sex, alcohol or sexual assault along with abuse is not something you can stomach please turn away. This is not the story for you.

*also if anyone knows who the artist is of the cover for my book please comment I searched high and low on Pinterest but couldn't find a name.*

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