Chapter 69/ Levi POV

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Nails drumming on the side of the infirmary bed, I wiggle my toes. Nervous about the blood, I can't help but to fidget.

It had stopped 2 hours ago, but still. It made me nervous, uneasy.

Sasha sat beside the bed with Faye on the ground, with a few stuffed animals Levi and I had gotten her from town.

The in and out traffic with the cadets wasn't helping, reporting back to me on the expedition's every move.

We had cadets stationed outside the other wall, keeping a eye on things. Monitoring so we knew if something went wrong. If we needed to prepare for another evacuation. If somehow the reclaiming went wrong, if the titans had broke through.

By the looks of it, we'd only have another hour before the sun went down.

A wounded Captain sits in a bed opposite to me. Stomach wrapped in bandages, his gear beside him on the ground.

Neither of us spoke, we just kept our mouths shut. To many things had gone wrong, to many things that we didn't anticipate.

We were loosing men like crazy.

Faye bounces up on her butt, reaching for me as she cries out.

Leaning to my side, I stop mid stretch. A sharper pain shooting through my abdomen. My brows tug together in pain.

"Sasha, could you-"


Placing Faye on my lap, just below my stomach she continue to bounce smiling through the pain, my face softens.

At least I had her, we had her.

I had apart of him, one that would live on well past us.

She was beautiful. Hair down past her ears, her face was still chunky with baby fat but was gaining character with each passing day.

She had her fathers sharpe button nose.

It made me wonder if she'd take after Kuchel, she looked a lot like her. Even now.

Faye cries fill my ear, forcing my attention back to her and out of my thoughts.

I knew that that cry, it was a hunger one.

But I couldn't move, stuck here besides using the restroom.

"Sasha, there some cut up fruit in the kitchen, things Levi prepared for Faye's dinner this morning. Could you take her there and be so kind to feed her?"

My eyes trail from my daughters to Sasha's, my finger coming out to tap Faye's nose playfully.

"Of course Captain. Come here you little devil." Reaching forward, she takes Faye from my lap.

Faye's hand reaches back out for me, over Sasha shoulder as they make their way to the door. My hands find their own comfort on my belly.

"Tiny bites, make sure you squish any harder bites with a fork so she can chew them. I don't want her choking-"

"I got it, I got it! It's not our first time, huh little miss Faye?" Squeezing her cheek, Sasha pushes the door open, making her way out of the infirmary the same second a cadet runs in.

"Captain Y/N, Captain Mills!" Saluting us both, the cadet tries his hardest to catch his breath. Trembling the whole way.

We both raise our hands to set the cadet at ease.

"What's the latest report-"

"Commander Erwin has called for a suicide march! He's leading all the remaining troops into the Beast Titans direct line of fire, we're being slaughtered-"

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