Chapter 104/Zeke POV/Levi POV

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Zeke POV

The sun rises over the mountains, the treeline below the air ship becomes visible once more. We had been travling all night.

We managed to make it across the water and onto their main land within a few days time.

The sound of Pieck's foot taping catches my attention.

Looking to my side, I watch her breathe in deeply doing her best to relax. Her War Masters hand comes out, rubbing the small of her back as he watches her.

She was nervous.

Rightfully so.

"Pieck, its going to be alright the plan is a solid one."

Her foots halts, turning her head, her eyes meet my own.

"This plan is anything but solid, this is reckless and stupid. You are desperate and its showing. The killswitch will do nothing to help our cause it will only cost people their lives on the battle field. She will slaughter everyone, it will be a filed of corpses. This is stupid and we both know it."

Crossing her arms, she turns her back to me, making her way for the big metal door in the back of the pilot room, her War Master trailing her the whole way. Just to slam it behind himself.

The cabin falls silent as the airship continues forward.

We had managed to avoid the base of theirs that was set up on the harbor.

We had to take the long way around, it ended up tacking on a few more days. But it was necessary. We needed the upper hand in this, I needed them to be taken off guard if we stood any chance against them, against him.

"It will work, it has to." Mumbling under my breath to no one in particular.

We will be there by end of day. We were ready.

Inhaling deeply I do my best to relax as I untighten my balled clammy fists.



His hands tighten around my throat, forcing any air I had left out.

It feels so good, everything does. My body's hot, so very hot.

A moan leaves Levi's lips before they find my own. His tongue dancing with my own. He's all I can taste, he's everywhere. Always dominating me.

My eyes close, taking it in. Taking it all in, how good he could make me feel. How good this felt, how good he tasted. How I could never feel like this with any other man, just him.

How I had tried to find such a feeling with others, only to fail miserably.

This was where I belonged, with him.

I was so close.

"Open your mouth Y/N."

His fingers dig into my skin, forcing my eyes open and to meet his own.

He was beautiful for a man. Perfect skin, dark hair that was always groomed to perfection. Sharp features.

Every woman's dream, and I knew that. Apart of me heated the looks he got, even if he didn't pay them any mind. I knew what they were thinking, what they wanted from him.

His eyes were already on me, studying me. Watching me, the way our bodies moved with one another's, the way I took him, the way we fit together. The way his cock turned red from where I was squeezing him to hard. He was watching it all.

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