Chapter 14/ James POV/ Levi POV

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Authors note: Hey lovelies, I added James view point to the story to give a better insight through his eyes. Don't be surprised if I end up doing that with other characters to!



"What do you expect me to say to that?" Reciting his words over and over again to myself as I sat on top of the base, the roof was cold, the air was even chillier. We were slowly coming into fall, soon the streets would be filled with snow.

"I don't know maybe I want that to, I've been thinking about it just as much as you." I slurred out loud, giving myself the desired answer I wanted to hear. I waisted no time throwing the whiskey bottle back again.

I must have been a lot drunker then I thought because the force I used to throw the bottle back caused my entire body to fall backwards, I didn't mind though. Laying on my back gave me a better view at the moon and stars anyway. Something I had grown quite fond over. I never really got this sorta luxury in the underground, all we ever had was the fluorescent lights inside the dingy town.

"A fool, a damn fool I tell you!" Pointing up at the stars as I slur nonsense to myself.

"And you.. and you want to know the worst part? DESPERATE! Hahahaha!" Rolling my eyes into the back of my head as I bring my arm down to rest over my eyes, shielding myself from the embarrassment.

"You were so desperate.. why did you tell him that." Scolding myself still as I groan out loud.

Taking in a deep breath I set the bottle down beside me. Bringing both hands out to push me upwards.

"Well it's over now. That part of my life can be scratched off the list and thrown away. I can forget about all the shame and desperation I just covered myself in. It's done." Releasing the same breath, I push myself up onto my feet, causing me to sway slightly.

"Shit." I stumbled forward a few steps, tripping over my own feet, trying to reach for the bottle but I overshot my target. Good thing I was only two stories up, or I surely would have caused more damage to myself as I somersaulted off the roof and into hard bush.

"Owch." Rolling myself out of the bush and onto my side. I can feel where the bush must have cut me on my legs and back. Landing like that I was bound to have a few cuts and bruises, I did absolutely nothing to brace for impact.

The window besides me lights as I mumble out loud. Still drunk as hell I couldn't tell if it was a girl and boy who looked out at me from the window but when they did they took off running.

"Captain Levi!" The cadet was already outside of their room running down the hall, I could hear the balls of their feet hitting the wooden floor boards.

"Shit, that's my cue. We gotta move." Mumbling to myself still very drunk, I roll over and out of the bush, pulling myself upwards to slouch against the brick wall.

"Gotta get outta here." My vision was still very blurry, seeing doubles of everything.


Bringing my hand up to the knob of the door I try to turn it. But no, luck it's locked.

Bringing my hand up to the wood I tap on it lightly. Looking back and forth down the dark hallways. I hadn't been caught yet.

"James?" I whisper into the door, just as I'm about to bring my knuckle back up to knock he opens the door, yanking me inside by my shirt collar. Just to slam it quickly behind me.

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