Chapter 33/ Levi POV

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Levi POV

"If he's touches her Erwin, hurts her in any way. There's not a person in this world, a string he could pull that could save him from me. Ill kill him." Leaning over Erwin's desk with both of my hands planted firmly on the wood.

"I understand Levi, but my power ends here. The marriage between the two of you was the Ace in our pocket, he just beat us to it." Erwin drops his head into his hands, sighing out loud.

I didn't care to hear any of this, about how we failed to protect Y/N. I wanted results and I wanted them now.

"I don't care about any of that, I care about bringing Y/N home safe, unharmed."

I wave my hand over my head, like I was swatting away his words. Leaving the office, I needed to be alone. I needed to think, every second she was away from me was another second she could be hurting.

                              Later that night

I breath in deeply. Looking to the side to grab her pillow.

Nothing but the sound of rain drumming against the window. It was completely silent.

I wonder where she is, if she's seeing the same thing as me.

Pulling the pillow to my nose, I breath in her scent.

"I'm sorry Levi, you misunderstood."

Her words play back in my mind on repeat.

My heart stopped beating then, chest becoming twenty time heavier, tighter. It hurt, it hurt more then I ever thought possible.

"You misunderstood"

A never ending cycle.

"She didn't mean it." I groan out loud into her pillow as I bring my other arm up to squeeze it tighter, burying my face in it for a few moments. It smelt just like her, it was comforting, easing maybe?

Looking around her room I have to stop myself from groaning, it looked so sad, so empty, so out of place.

She belonged with me, in OUR chambers. I couldn't bring myself to go back there. Not without her, it felt so wrong.

The little amount of sleep I was granted was in my office chair, door locked to our old chambers. The bedding even smelt like her, I couldn't bring myself to change it.. to stay in there without her. It was to painful.

"I'm such a idiot, why did I ever send her away? Why did I call off our engagement?" I lay back onto her small single size bed, holding her pillow close.

"She didn't mean it, she couldn't have." I reassure myself once more.

I couldn't get those words out of my head, her sweet, lovely voice.

I always loved to hear it but not like that, not speaking those words.

I wasn't crazy, I saw him whispering to her, she looked so scared.

But before she was smiling, stepping forward to meet me. She was choosing me, despite all the shit I put her through.

But then she stopped.

He said something, I wasn't sure what but it was bad.

She looked so frightened, I should have crossed the room and grabbed her.

The look on her face was one I never wanted to see again.

He forced those words from her, she would never say something like that of her own free will.

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