Chapter 20 /Levi POV

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Authors note: Hey slores, and VIOLENCE is back open. Just when you thought you could escape how absolutely toxic I am with IAL "ending" . Guess again, I have shit tons of toxic jealously up ahead. I re read the beginning of this story and holly hell. The grammar and spelling errors. Thank you all of being such troopers with it, you all are always so nice to me🤍


Levi POV

"Your lucky this time Levi. Tommy doesn't seem to have any interest in pursuing you for the beating you dished out, you could have caused a lot of issues for not only the scouts but yourself." Erwin was staring at me from across his desk. Both hands held together in his lap.

Hange and Mike stand off to the side, closest to the window. Both of them stairing outside of it, acting ask if they weren't hearing this lecture.

I took in a deep breath, relaxing back into the leather chair. My legs crossing as I brought my elbow up to arm rest.

My knuckles coming up to into view, allowing me to see the damage I caused on myself. Seeing Tommy's teeth marks indented in my knuckles I can't help but smile.

They were completely split, purple and blue, swollen even.

"Let me." Hange was already making her way across the room, seeing my eyes fixated on my mangled hands.

"I'm fine." Glaring at the three of them as I brought my hand back down to rest in my lap. I didn't need their pity nor did I want it.

Quite frankly it pissed me off Erwin and Mike were there for mine ans Y/N's.... Conversation. That should have been dealt with in private between the two of us.

It was nobody else's business.

"Yes, we'll I guess he isn't a complete moron. He obviously knows what's good for hi-

Erwin cut me off, raising his voice over mine.

"Enough! I can't have my Special Operations Captain getting arrested for assaulting someone of high royalty. We have a reputation to uphold, you do! Whatever issue the two of you have with one another stops now. No more Levi, I won't risk losing a asset like you to something as non importan-"

"What did you just say?" My eyes gaped wide open stare at Erwin. My legs uncrossing as I leaned forward, planting my elbows on my knees.

Was he really saying Y/N was non important? She was my entire life. Everything I knew before the scouts, before I was a Captain. Of course she was!

"You know that's not how I mea-

"No, no, no say it. How did you mean it? Sounds to me like you were about to say Y/-

"Alright enough you two!!! Erwin is not the enemy Levi, your angry and unable to think clearly. He's simply stating that we need you and can't afford to lose you for any reason." Hange was quick to intervene. Putting a end to the bickering right away.

"I don't want him on this base Erwin. Not for a visit, not for anything. He shouldn't even be here, he's distracting her from her daily duties as a Captain. There's no room for whatever he's trying to do. Her job first is to be a Captain to these cadets, train them and guide them. Not fulfilling whatever twisted fantasy this man has built up in his head. This isn't even about me anymore, nobody's even asked Y/N what she wants, if she's okay with any of this!" I took a deep breath in before responding.

Erwins eyes met mine, giving me a small nod. I could tell he was trying to sympathize with me. After all he was the one to split us up. He knew our history, just how deep these ties ran. How much I longed to be with her. He witnessed it all first hand.

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