Chapter 1

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"Keep moving!!!!" I screamed at my group behind me.

"Y/N there gaining on us! They are gonna reach us before we can shake them!" James yelled back at me towards the front.

"Nonsense they won't be able touch us as long as we maintain speed!" Shooting a anchor into a old brick house.

"Levi there slipping away!" A mans voice came from behind me, one i was sure I didn't recognize.

"Not a chance." The man I assumed was Levi responded back to the other.

They had been on our tail for the past few minutes. My gang managed to overpower one of their weakest links. Robbing her of all goods that were transported down to the underground.

It was nothing personal, it was just business. The basic necessities were hard to come by in the underground. Even harder to save up to purchase such a overpriced item.

We had our own to think of as well, sick people. People I cared about. People who needed the medication and goods just as much as anyone else. It pained me to see the ones I once cared about wither away in such filth.

It was eat or be eaten. The underground was cruel and unforgiving. If you didn't have thick enough skin it would surly chew you up and spit you back out leaving nothing but a carcass.

"James, Cynthia cut right. I'll go left and lead them away, meet back at home. AND DON'T MAKE ME COME AFTER YOU!" Sending a hook into the left of me I see one of our pursuers fly above me just as the hook yanks me roughly to the left.

It was only for a split second but just enough time to allow me to lock eyes with a pair of cold steel ones. He was watching me through his dark raven hair.

"Furlan, Isabel go after the other two I got her, recover the shit you allowed them the take." The raven haired ordered to the others who were a decent distance behind him.

"So he's running this, huh okay." I mumbled under my breath.

Sending a hook into a abandoned building I somersault through the window landing on my feet. Sprinting down the hallway I can hear the so called Levi's hook attach to the wall directly beside my head. A second later his boots slam into the wall directly behind me.

"Shit." He was fast he was really really fucking fast.

This was going to be much more difficult then I thought. He was definitely going to be a challenge. We had heard of other gangs, occasionally bump into one another but never him. I've always been able to get my gang out of any situation that presented itself.

Sending a hook directly in front of me, it shoots through the window attaching to the building across the alleyway.

"Tch, that's not going to help you brat." He was almost directly behind me. It felt like his lips brushing my ear.

"Watch me." I spit back over my shoulder just as my body was yanked forward. In that very second a second pair of wires flew past my head attaching to the wall directly next to my hook.

The sound of his ODM gear hissed behind me as he caught up to. Making it out of the window I was almost certain I was going g to clear it.

But a strong hand wrapped around my waist yanking me back into his chest.

"You idiot we have to much speed! Hurry bend your legs out!" He hisses into my ear as his grip tightens around my waist. I bring my knees up to my chest to prepare for impact as we make our way to the brick wall.

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