Cuddling is not enough

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Abigail entered the room after changing into her nightgown. Scarlett, engrossed in watching Aurora sleep, was smiling.

Abigail joined Scarlett, sitting in front of her, and shared,

"I also feel jealous, Scarlett. You only love your babies."

Scarlett smiled, cupped Abigail's face, and replied,

"Yes, I love my babies, and you're my big baby."

Scarlett leaned in, kissing Abigail on the lips, and playfully said,

"I hope you don't punch me this time."

Abigail laughed and apologized, sliding her finger over Scarlett's scar.

Scarlett asked,

"Do I look ugly with this?"

Abigail kissed the scar and responded,

"You look even sexier with it."

Scarlett laughs and pull Abby close for a kiss, and then Aurora woke up.

Abigail smile, peck on Scarlett's lips and mentioned,

"I have to feed her because she won't sleep without that."

Abigail cradled Aurora in her lap, with Scarlett sitting behind her.

Scarlett gently removed one of Abby's thin straps, exposing her chest as Abby began breastfeeding Aurora.

Scarlett pressed her lips to Abigail's shoulder, planting a kiss, and then playfully bit Abby's neck, leaving a mark.

Resting her chin on Abigail's shoulder, Scarlett expressed,

"I love you, Abby. Thank you for coming into my life and giving me these precious gifts."

Abigail was about to reply, but then she exclaimed,


Scarlett laughed and asked,

"Did she bite you again?"

Abigail looked at Scarlett and responded,

"She learned these biting habits from you."

Scarlett playfully scolded Aurora,

"Baby, you can't bite mommy like that. Only daddy can do this. Now, sleep because mommy and daddy have something important to do."

Abigail laughed and said,

"Scarlett, what are you saying to our daughter? You and your cheesy humor."

They both shared a laugh together.

Abigail finished breastfeeding Aurora, and Scarlett gently took their daughter from Abigail's arms, laying her down on the bed.

Scarlett then laid down and hug Aurora.

Abigail looked at Scarlett and playfully pouted, saying,

"Baby, can you put Aurora on the other side? I want you to cuddle me."

Scarlett pretended to consider it but then replied,

"No, I can't if my baby fell from the bed."

She held Aurora close.

Abigail playfully sulked, saying,

"Some days back, I was your baby too."

She lay down and closed her eyes.

In the middle of the night, Scarlett woke up and noticed that Aurora was asleep, but Abigail was not in bed.

She got up, went to the bathroom, and then realized that the kitchen light was on.

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