Unravelling Secrets 1

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During the Christmas holidays, Abby and Scarlett are joined by their friends Emily and Harley

Now they are playing Truth or Dare

As secrets are revealed, Abby is startled by some of the revelations, which leads to laughter from the others

When Harley spins the bottle, it lands on Abby, Emily, with a mischievous smile, decides to ask the question

"Okay Abigail tell us all juicy details about your very first kiss experience."

Abigail's eyes widened in response to the unexpected query, her voice dropping to a hushed tone as she said,

"I've never kissed anyone in my life."

Scarlett, trying to hide her amusement, takes a sip of wine

Emily then posed another question, determined to break Abigail's reticence

"Alright, Abby, since you're avoiding our questions, consider this a penalty. Tell us about your very first date."

Abigail sighed, her expression a mix of embarrassment and honesty.

"I've never actually been on a date in my 23 years of life."

Harley, her curiosity unquenched, pressed on with a grin.

"Wait, seriously? You mean to say you're still a virgin? No one's even come close to scratching that v-card?"

Harley's words elicited chuckles from both her and Emily, while Abigail, her gaze lowered once again, admitted softly,

"Well, my situation is a little bit complicated."

She hesitated, her voice becoming earnest

"There's someone I've liked for a few years now. He's a chef at a restaurant."

Scarlett, who had been listening to the conversation, couldn't help but roll her eyes, fully aware that Abigail was referring to none other than Theodore Hunter

Emily's curiosity persisted as she inquired further,

"Alright, so you have something in mind. Have you ever asked him out?"

Abigail's response carried a tinge of wistfulness,

"We do know each other, but I've never mustered the courage to make that move. I visit his restaurant regularly, yet I remain uncertain about his feelings towards me."

Abigail's words held a weight of unspoken emotions, but before she could continue, Scarlett interjected

"Theo doesn't really see Abby romantically; he sees her like a younger sister,"

Abigail shot Scarlett an irritated glare, disagreeing with her sister's perspective on the matter

Sensing Abigail's frustration, Scarlett swiftly changed the subject, sensing the need to steer the conversation away from potentially uncomfortable territory

Harley gave the bottle another spin, and this time it pointed straight at Scarlett

Emily and Harley exchanged a knowing glance, and Harley proceeded to ask with a playful grin,

"So, Queen of dating, care to share how many women in this city you've slept with? Maybe your experience can give Abby some dating pointers."

Scarlett's gaze met Abby's, and in that moment, she wished to evade the question

However, her friends were relentless in their teasing

Emily chimed in jestingly,

"Seems like our queen has slept with half the city's women."

Embarrassed, Scarlett accidentally spits out her wine in response, directly onto Emily's face

Emily gives her a disgusted look, while Harley bursts into laughter, and Abby simply stares at Scarlett

Unable to meet Abby's gaze, Scarlett hastily proposed ending the game

"I'm feeling quite hungry, and I'm really not in the mood for this game anymore,"

she said, attempting to redirect the situation and escape the awkwardness that had arisen


On New Year's night, the four girls decide to stay in and enjoy a movie marathon on Netflix

Scarlett comes up with the idea, hoping to spend quality time with Abigail, who initially didn't want to go out

However, Scarlett's plans are dashed when Abby reveals that she has been invited to Theo's New Year's party

Scarlett sits on the sofa with a face resembling an angry bird, much to the amusement of her two friends who find her reaction amusing and unusual

Abby calls Emily to help her get ready, and they both retreat to Abby's room

After a few minutes, they emerge, and Scarlett is left stunned by Abby's appearance

Abby is dressed in a pretty red dress that falls just above her knees, with thin straps that showcase her shoulders and chest

Scarlett is amazed but then realizes that Abby wasn't dressing up for her, but for Theo

Harley, teasingly said, Well, Abby, I hope you're out there having a blast with a bunch of guys"

She then turned her gaze towards Scarlett, her tone light but teasing,

"You know, Abigail, they say it's not exactly healthy to maintain that 'virgin' status at the ripe age of 23."

Abby simply laughs it off and heads out of the house, where her cab is waiting for her

Tensions escalated in the room as Abby made her exit

Scarlett, overwhelmed by frustration and anger, succumbed to her impulses and lashed out, landing a punch on Harley

"How could you offer such advice to Abby? You're being utterly thoughtless,"

Scarlett seethed, her emotions running high

Observing the tumultuous scene, Emily couldn't contain her disapproval

She directed her words at Scarlett, her tone sharp,

"You're acting like a psychopathetic whore, Scarlett. Abigail is not some object you can manipulate or control. Quit behaving like an obsessed individual."

Amidst the heated exchange, Emily's words cut through the tension even further

"Scarlett, face it – you don't stand a chance. Abigail's into guys,"

Emily declared with a tone of finality

She continued, her voice unwavering,

"In fact, she told me she's planning to ask Theo to be her boyfriend tonight."

This revelation only intensified Scarlett's emotions, causing her to clench her fists, grab her jacket, and storm out of the house

Emily and Harley, concerned about Scarlett's well-being, decided to follow her, ultimately finding themselves near a lively club

In an attempt to escape their troubles, the three girls immersed themselves in the pulsating music and indulged in the liberating atmosphere of the club

The night wore on, and as the clock struck 3 am, Scarlett, exhausted and emotionally drained, returned home


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