When mistakes cost relationships

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Arianna was in a meeting when she received Abigail's message.

She didn't notice it right away, and when the meeting finally ended an hour later, she saw the message and felt like the ground had slipped from under her feet.

She immediately called Abigail, but her phone was switched off.

Arianna then dialed Scarlett's number, and when Scarlett answered, Arianna urgently said,

"Scarlett, you have to find Abigail as soon as possible. She's planning to abort the baby."

Scarlett's world was shaken to its core.

She hung up, rushed to her car, and tried calling Abigail repeatedly, but her phone remained off.

Scarlett shouted,

"Abigail, please don't do this. You can't end the life of our baby. Abby, I'll never forgive myself for what happened. This regret will haunt me every day. Please, Abigail, don't do this."

Scarlett went to the same hospital where Abigail had gone when she was pregnant with Aurora.

Scarlett rushed to the reception desk and asked,

"Can you please tell me about Abigail Harrison? I mean, Abigail Grey. Which room is she in?"

The receptionist provided Scarlett with the information, and Scarlett hurried to the room.

However, when she arrived, there was no one there.

Scarlett asked a nurse,

"Where is the patient who was in this room?"

The nurse replied,

"Ma'am, this was an abortion case, and there's no need for the patient to stay in the hospital. After the abortion, she left."

Scarlett's heart felt like it had stopped, and she walked away in a daze.

Scarlett walked out of the hospital and saw Abigail sitting on a bench in the hospital's front yard.

Scarlett knelt down in front of Abby and noticed that Abigail was crying.

Scarlett also began to cry and lowered her head.

Abigail looked up and saw her.

Scarlett said with pain in her voice,

"How could you do this to us, Abby? How could you be so cruel? If you had just listened to me once, our baby would still be alive, but you didn't hear me out."

Scarlett looked into Abby's eyes, her own filled with pain.

Abigail's world stopped when she met those grey eyes.

She gently cupped Scarlett's face in her hands and said,

"Scarlett, is that you?"

Scarlett exclaimed,

"Yes, it's me, Abigail. I tried to talk to you about all of this, but you didn't listen. I wanted to explain everything after that night, but you left in the morning, and since then, you never gave me a chance to clarify things."

Abigail tried to speak, but her voice choked up.

She hugged Scarlett tightly, but Scarlett didn't return the embrace.

Abigail eventually broke the hug and kissed Scarlett's face repeatedly.

She said,

"Scarlett, I can't believe you're here in front of me. I've missed you so much. Please don't leave me."

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