Seeking solutions

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As Scarlett closed the door to the kids' room, she noticed that Abigail wasn't in the drawing room.

Assuming that Abigail might be in their bedroom, Scarlett entered the room.

To her astonishment, Abigail emerged from the closet, dressed in a satin black nightdress with delicate straps, the fabric skimming her thighs.

Scarlett found herself frozen in place; her gaze locked on Abigail's alluring attire.

Abigail nonchalantly strolled towards the bed, seemingly preoccupied with grabbing a pillow.

However, the pillow was just out of her reach, prompting her to kneel on the bed, leaning forward on all fours.

This posture inadvertently caused the back of Abigail's nightdress to lift slightly, revealing more of her form.

Scarlett's mind seemed to come to a standstill as her thoughts tumbled into a whirlwind of emotions.

In a quiet murmur, Scarlett whispered to herself,

"Mrs. Grey, what are you doing to me? This is absolute torture."

The intensity of her feelings left her momentarily overwhelmed as she grappled with the unexpected surge of desire stirred by the sight before her.

Abigail's irritation was palpable, her patience wearing thin under the persistent gaze.

She addressed Scarlett in an irritated tone,

"If you're planning to stand there all night, feel free, but do turn off the lights, please."

Abigail's words snapped Scarlett out of her trance, and she made her way to the closet.

After changing into comfortable clothes, Scarlett returned to the room and settled beside Abigail on the bed.

As Scarlett lay down, Abigail shifted her focus to Scarlett and warned,

"You're allowed to sleep here, but if even one of your fingers brushes against me, I won't hesitate to end you with my own hands."

Abigail then shifted her position, turning her back to Scarlett.

Despite the stern words, Scarlett couldn't help but smile at the situation.

She closed her eyes, attempting to find sleep


As morning light streamed into the room, Scarlett's eyes flicked to the alarm clock, which had just gone off.

Her gaze darted around the room, only to realize that Abigail wasn't there.

Deciding to freshen up, Scarlett made her way to the bathroom, changing into a new set of clothes.

Emerging from the bathroom, she found the kids busy with breakfast and Abigail in the kitchen.

Taking a seat next to Isabella, Scarlett smiled at her and inquired,

"Did you sleep well, my love?"

Bella nodded; her attention fixed on her breakfast.

Just then, Abigail placed a plate of breakfast in front of Scarlett.

In a gentle tone, Scarlett addressed Abigail,

"Wifey, you really don't have to go through all this trouble. We have servants who can handle things. Just let them know what you need."

Abigail remained silent, settling into a chair without responding to Scarlett's remark.

Raphael's voice broke the silence as he questioned,

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