The weight of unspoken goodbyes

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As Abigail talking to her daughter, Emily, Harley, and Arianna entered the room.

Abigail's face lit up with a smile when she saw them, but then her expression turned serious as she asked,

"Where is Scarlett? Please don't tell me she's off again, busy with business and investors."

The room fell into silence as the three of them exchanged concerned glances.

Abigail held her daughter close, gently patting her back,

"Why are you all being so quiet? I need to know where my wife is."

Emily moved closer to Abigail, taking the baby from her arms and carefully settling her in a nearby baby cot.

Arianna approached Abigail and gently asked,

"How are you feeling, Abigail? Are you doing alright?"

Abigail nodded slightly and replied,

"I'm okay, but I need an answer to my question."

Arianna exchanged glances with Emily and Harley, who found it difficult to meet Abigail's gaze.

Taking a deep breath, Arianna finally spoke,

"Abigail, I don't know how to say this, but please, think about your children first. They need you now more than ever."

Confusion clouded Abigail's face as she responded,

"I'm sorry, Arianna, but I honestly don't understand what you're trying to say."

Arianna firmly held both of Abigail's hands and said with trembling voice,

"Abby, Scarlett is gone."

Abigail's eyebrows shot up in disbelief, and she asked,

"What do you mean 'gone'? Are you telling me she left me in this condition and went on a business trip?"

Arianna's tears, which she had been struggling to contain, began to flow freely as she whispered,

"No, Abigail, Scarlett is dead. She's gone forever."

Abigail still struggled to comprehend the gravity of what Arianna had just told her.

She repeated,

"What are you saying? I still don't understand."

Harley stepped forward and embraced Abigail tightly, saying,

"Abby, Scarlett is no longer with us. She passed away the day you were admitted to the hospital."

Abigail's initial reaction was to push Harley away, but Harley clung to her, understanding the turmoil Abigail was experiencing.

Abigail insisted,

"Let me go, Harley. Have you all gone mad? I saw Scarlett today in the ICU. She was there with me. You're lying. Scarlett is fine. Give me your phone; I'll call her, and she'll come right away."

Harley reluctantly released her grip and said with a heavy heart,

"Abby, please, you need to accept the reality. Scarlett is no longer with us."

Abigail was overwhelmed by the devastating news, and her mind struggled to process it.

As she gazed at the tearful faces of Arianna, Harley, and Emily, her consciousness began to slip away.

Witnessing Abigail's condition, Arianna hurriedly rushed to the door, urgently calling for the doctor.

Abigail awoke in a disoriented state.

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