Parallel paths 1

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After a few moments, Abigail slowly opened her eyes and discovered that her roommate was still fast asleep

She carefully shifted her hands away from her waist, making sure not to disturb her

With a quiet sigh of relief, Abigail quietly slipped out of the room and settled herself on the sofa, reflecting on the events that had occurred just a few minutes ago

Despite the whirlwind of emotions, she didn't have much time to dwell on it as she grabbed her clothes and made her way to the bathroom for a refreshing shower and her morning routine

After cleansing herself, she dressed and applied a light touch of makeup before heading to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for herself

In a moment of thoughtfulness, Abigail decided to go the extra mile and prepare something for her peculiar roommate

With her pure-hearted nature shining through, she prepared breakfast for Scarlett as well and left it on the kitchen shelf, accompanied by a note

With her breakfast task complete, Abigail left the house and headed to the hospital, reminding herself that it was her first day as a full-time employee

Previously, she had only been able to manage part-time work due to her university commitments


Scarlett's eyes fluttered open as her phone began to ring, indicating an incoming call

She groggily picked it up and glanced at the screen, realizing it was already late in the afternoon, nearly 3 o'clock

She rubbed her eyes in an attempt to fully wake up before answering the call

It was Emily on the other end of the line

Still feeling a bit groggy, Scarlett responded to Emily's call with a touch of rudeness, asking bluntly,

"What do you want, Emily?"

Emily, aware that Scarlett had just woken up, mentioned that she and Harley wanted to meet her at the club where she worked as a DJ

With a sarcastic tone, Scarlett remarked,

"So, after spending three days together, you guys suddenly want to meet up?"

Emily fired back, urging Scarlett not to act like a mean-spirited person and that they simply wanted to have a little fun

After a moment, Scarlett begrudgingly replied,

"Fine, okay,"

and abruptly ended the call

As Scarlett began to gather her thoughts, she noticed some changes in her surroundings

She wondered when these alterations had taken place and then had a realization: she was no longer the sole occupant of the house

It dawned on her that she now had a roommate

Shaking off her confusion, Scarlett retrieved clothes from her wardrobe and made her way to the bathroom to take a refreshing shower

After enjoying a refreshing shower, Scarlett's hunger led her to the kitchen

As she entered, her eyes were drawn to the kitchen shelf, where she noticed a note left by Abigail

Curiosity piqued, Scarlett picked up the note and read its contents

The message conveyed Abigail's uncertainty about Scarlett's food preferences but expressed concern for her possible exhaustion from the trip, resulting in a breakfast prepared

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