A Tumultuous Night - part 01

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Abigail found herself perplexed by Scarlett's behavior, as she continued to give her the cold shoulder

Whenever Abby attempted to initiate a conversation, Scarlett would respond with rude and dismissive remarks

Despite Abby's persistent efforts over the past two weeks, she remained clueless about the reason behind Scarlett's sudden change in attitude

Exhausted from her failed attempts, Abby eventually decided to distance herself from Scarlett

It was a Friday evening, and Abby knew she didn't have to wake up early the next morning, so she planned to indulge in a Netflix movie marathon

Around 2 a.m., she heard the sound of someone opening the door, instantly recognizing it as Scarlett's

After a few moments, Abby heard a thud, as if someone had fallen in the hallway

Startled and already on edge due to the rain and distant thunder, Abby cautiously grabbed a baseball bat and made her way to the hallway

She called out, asking if it was Scarlett, but received no response

As she ventured further, she tripped over something and tumbled to the floor

To her astonishment, she discovered Scarlett lying on the ground

In a heightened tone, Abby exclaimed,

"Are you crazy? Why are you sleeping on the floor when we have beds in the room?"

She then noticed the overpowering scent of alcohol emanating from Scarlett

Concerned, she tried to lift Scarlett from the floor but struggled due to her heaviness

Additionally, Scarlett was completely drenched from the rain

After much effort, Abigail managed to carry Scarlett to the room, and Scarlett was slightly conscious at that moment

Chuckling, Scarlett teasingly remarked,

"Little one, do you really think you can handle me?"

Abby simply rolled her eyes

As Scarlett moved towards the bed, Abby stopped her, saying,

"You're wet. Please change first."

Though hesitant, Scarlett was pushed towards the bathroom by Abby's insistence

Abby advised her to take a shower, as it would help her relax

Scarlett stood in front of the basin, using it for support

As Abby was about to leave, Scarlett grabbed her wrist and pulled her closer

Abby was taken aback, finding herself in close proximity to Scarlett

Scarlett placed her hands around Abby's waist and rested her head on Abby's shoulder

Abby was unsure of how to react, standing between Scarlett's legs

Sensing Abby's trembling, Scarlett whispered,

"Just stay here for a few seconds."

Abby remained silent, and after a few minutes, Scarlett released her grip, allowing Abby to hastily leave the bathroom

After taking a shower, Scarlett emerged from the bathroom, wearing only a bathrobe

Abby quickly averted her gaze, pretending to look elsewhere

Scarlett went to her wardrobe in search of clothes, finding her boxers but unable to locate her desired hoodie

Abby noticed the mess in Scarlett's wardrobe and, without saying a word, opened her own wardrobe and handed Scarlett an oversized hoodie

Abigail turned to face the other side while Scarlett changed into the clothes

Afterward, both of them retreated to their respective beds to sleep


The next morning, Abby was torn about whether to wake Scarlett up for breakfast

After a fierce internal debate, she decided to go to the room and wake Scarlett

Calling her name repeatedly yielded no response, so Abby gently pulled the blanket from Scarlett's face

To her concern, Abby discovered that Scarlett's entire face and body were drenched in sweat

Placing her hand on Scarlett's forehead, Abby realized that Scarlett was burning up with a fever

Abigail rushed to the drawing room, grabbed her phone, and dialed a doctor she knew from her hospital. Within 30 minutes, the doctor arrived and examined Scarlett

After assessing her condition, the doctor provided a prescription for medicine and offered advice on suitable foods for Scarlett to consume

The doctor also mentioned that if the fever worsened, cold water patches could be used to bring it down

Once the doctor left, Abigail headed to the kitchen to prepare soup and then went to the nearby dispensary to collect the prescribed medicine


Carrying a tray with the medicine and soup, Abigail entered the room

Waking Scarlett proved to be a challenge, but with persistent effort, she managed to rouse her

Abigail urged Scarlett to drink the soup and take the medicine for a quicker recovery

Scarlett acted stubbornly, resembling a child, but Abigail persevered and successfully fed her the soup and administered the medicine

She repeated the same process in the afternoon

Abigail remained by Scarlett's side without leaving for a single moment

During the night, Abigail noticed that Scarlett was shivering

When she inquired, Scarlett mentioned feeling cold

Abigail fetched a blanket from the bed and covered Scarlett

As she was about to leave, Scarlett grasped Abigail's hand and pleaded,

"Please don't leave me."

Though Scarlett continued to speak, Abigail couldn't quite make out her words

She lay down beside her, and Scarlett rested her head on Abigail's shoulder, tightening her grip on Abigail's arm

Abigail felt uncertain about what to do, so she simply prayed for Scarlett's swift recovery


Scarlett slowly opened her eyes and realized someone was holding her tightly

When she moved back slightly, she saw that it was Abby

Abby's hair was disheveled, and Scarlett gently fixed it to see her face

Mesmerized by Abby's innocence, she placed her hand on Abby's cheek, running her thumb along Abby's soft skin, and then brought her thumb to Abby's lips, gently pressing it with her thumb

Sensing Abby starting to wake, Scarlett closed her eyes and pretended to be asleep

Meanwhile, Abby tightened her grip around Scarlett's waist and felt something hard. It dawned on her that it wasn't her stuffed toy Theo

Opening her eyes, she saw Scarlett's face

In a rush, Abby stood up from the bed and hurriedly left the room


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