Irresistible baby

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At night, Abigail and Jasper met at the restaurant.

Jasper smiled and said,

"Abigail, I can't believe you actually agreed to go on a date with me."

Abigail's smile faded as she thought,

"I don't know how to make things clear and tell you, Jasper, you're misunderstanding."

They placed their orders and began talking when they heard a familiar voice say,


They both looked up and saw Skylar standing beside their table.

She asked,

"I never thought we'd meet like this. I came here with my friends, but they ditched me. Can I join you?"

Abigail and Jasper exchanged glances, and before they could respond, Scarlett had taken a seat.

There was an awkward silence among them.

Food was served, but Jasper refrained from speaking, and Abigail remained quiet as well.

Abigail broke the silence, saying,

"Jasper, I have to leave. Aroura can't sleep without me, and it's quite late."

Jasper nodded, and Abigail added,

"I'll use the restroom, and then we can go home."

She went to the restroom, and Jasper angrily asked Scarlett,

"What's your problem? We're on a date, and you ruined everything. Just tell me why you're doing this. Do you like her?"

Scarlett smirked and replied,

"That's precisely why I'm here – to ruin everything. I don't like her; I love her."

Jasper raised his eyebrows and said,

"I knew it from the start. The way you look at her, drool over her, and even chase her. I've been telling you; Abby is not interested in you. Just stop pursuing her."

Scarlett smiled and said,

"You think she likes you?"

Frustrated, Jasper said,

"Just wait and watch; she'll be in my bed in a few days."

Hearing this inappropriate comment about her wife, Scarlett stood up, grabbed his collar, and said,

"Touch her once, and I'll end your life."

Abigail witnessed this and rushed over to them.

She pushed Scarlett away and exclaimed,

"What's your problem with Jasper? Just stay away from him."

Then she turned to Jasper and said,

"Jas, let's go."

Scarlett clenched her fists, thinking,

"Abigail, why are you making things complicated for me? You think he's your friend, but you're mistaken. How can I make you realize this?"

They all headed to the parking area, and Jasper said,

"Abigail, if I didn't have a shift at the hospital, I would take you home."

Abigail responded,

"Don't worry, John is on his way. Your work is important."

Jasper hugged Abigail and said,

"Thank you for understanding, and please text me when you get home safely."

They broke the hug, and Jasper got into his car, started it, and drove away.

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