Bound of obsession #1

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Abigail was engrossed in her laptop, the soft glow of the screen casting a dim light in the living room as she sat on the floor near the table

The task at hand demanded her attention, and she was determined to make progress

Unbeknownst to her, Scarlett's mischievous side was at play

Silently, Scarlett approached, her eyes fixated on Abigail, who was completely absorbed in her work

With a playful glint in her eye, Scarlett carefully maneuverer herself behind Abigail and, with a swift and gentle motion, lifted her onto her lap

Startled by the unexpected intrusion, Abigail blinked in surprise before her expression shifted to one of annoyance

"Scarlett, seriously? I'm not free right now. I have a lot of work to do,"

she responded, her voice tinged with exasperation

Scarlett couldn't help but smirk, her arms wrapped around Abigail as she spoke soothingly,

"Babe, I promise I'm not going to do anything to disturb you. You can keep working, and I'll just be here. Just a little cuddle time."

Abigail let out a sigh, torn between irritation and the warmth of Scarlett's embrace

She refocused her attention on her laptop, determined to continue her task

Attempting to ignore the playful distraction, she resumed her work, the tapping of her fingers on the keyboard the only sound in the room

However, Scarlett continues her playful advances by sliding her fingers along Abby's thigh, near her intimate area, causing a shiver to run down Abby's spine

Abigail's patience wears thin, and she raises her voice, saying,


Scarlett feigns innocence and replies,

"What? I didn't do anything."

Despite Abigail's protest, Scarlett persists, moving Abby's shirt off her shoulder and planting wet kisses on her shoulder and neck, even biting gently

Overwhelmed by the onslaught of sensations and Scarlett's persistent playfulness, Abigail's resolve solidified

She turned around, her gaze locking onto Scarlett's eyes, her voice firm and determined,

"Enough, Scarlett. Seriously. This is distracting and not helping me concentrate. I've told you countless times that I'm busy. Please stop disturbing me. I'm not your toy to be played with whenever you feel like it. I have so much to do. I've never stopped you when you wanted to touch me physically, but when I ask you to stop, please respect my boundaries."

Abigail's voice echoes with her final plea, clearly indicating her distress

Scarlett lay down on the couch in silence, her back turned to Abigail

The air was thick with a mix of emotions – frustration, guilt, and a touch of remorse

Abigail felt the weight of her outburst, her heart sinking as she realized how her words had affected Scarlett

Hesitating for a moment, Abigail let out a sigh and turned her attention back to her laptop

She knew she had work to do, and Scarlett's presence wasn't the only distraction she needed to overcome

She began typing, her fingers moving across the keyboard, but her mind was far from focused

Each attempt to regain her momentum was thwarted by lingering thoughts of her interaction with Scarlett

Guilt gnawed at her conscience, and she couldn't help but replay the scene in her mind

In their relationship, Scarlett had become increasingly possessive and clingy, especially when they went out together

Abby had initially found it endearing, but now it had become irritating

Scarlett would act irrationally whenever any guy approached Abby, creating unnecessary drama and tension

Additionally, Scarlett's clinginess during outings made Abby feel suffocated

Even harmless conversations with opposite gender would trigger Scarlett's jealousy

Abby had long wanted to communicate to Scarlett that she had her own life and wasn't her possession

However, Abby always held back, fearing it might cause a bigger argument or hurt Scarlett

But now, her anger had reached its breaking point. She couldn't keep suppressing her feelings any longer

After a while, Abigail sighed again, her frustration now directed towards herself

She stole a glance at Scarlett's form on the couch, back turned, and her heart ached

She knew her reaction had been justified, but it didn't erase the fact that it had hurt Scarlett

With a determined yet conflicted expression, Abigail finally broke the silence.

"Scarlett... I'm sorry,"

she said softly, her voice tinged with regret

"I shouldn't have snapped at you like that. It's just... I was really trying to focus, and I got carried away."

After attempting to get Scarlett's attention and receiving no response, Abby kneels down in front of the sofa and grabs Scarlett's shirt

Abby speaks in a low tone, apologizing,

"Sorry, Scarlett. I didn't mean to react that way. This deadline is really important to me."

Still, there is no response from Scarlett. Frustrated, Abby implores,

"Scarlett, please don't act like a stubborn kid. I told you I'm sorry."

Finally, Scarlett's voice cut through the silence, retorting with a hint of annoyance,

"Abby, I'm not a kid. If there's a kid here, it's you. Don't forget I'm 31 and you're just 23."

Abby couldn't help but chuckle at Scarlett's response, her irritation momentarily overridden by the teasing tone

"Well, if I'm a kid, then I want to play with you,"

Abby quipped, her voice laden with humor

She met Scarlett's gaze with a mischievous glint in her eyes

"Let's find my G-spot."

Scarlett's interest was unmistakable as she responded to Abby's remark, excitement evident in her voice,

"Are you serious?"

Abby quickly realized the situation had taken an unexpected turn and hastened to clarify, her own cheeks flushing,

"Oh, no! I was just kidding, Scarlett. It was a joke, really."

Abby felt a mixture of embarrassment and regret for even suggesting something so bold

She rose from her kneeling position, the intention to leave the room clear in her movements

However, Scarlett was having none of it

In a determined tone, Scarlett grabbed Abby's hand, preventing her from leaving, and said,

"You think you can just tease me like that and then walk away? I don't think so. Let's find your G-spot."


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