Acceptance 01

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Abigail has not heard anything from Scarlett for nearly 48 hours

Despite attempting to reach out through calls and messages, Scarlett has not responded

Abigail feels a sense of disappointment and sadness due to Scarlett's behavior

This has caused Abigail to reflect on her own actions and question if she has done wrong to that extent that contribute to Scarlett's withdrawal

Abigail is deeply distressed about the situation, and these emotions have persisted for the past two days


Sitting in the café with Emily and Harley, Scarlett shares her situation and actions with them

Emily and Harley both facepalm her

Harley said in disbelief

"Wait, hold on. You actually confessed your feelings out of the blue?"

Scarlett tries to sound reasonable

"Yeah... I thought it would help clear the air or something."

Emily chimed in

"Scarlett, that might have been a bit overwhelming for her. You caught her off guard."

Harley again continued

"And now you're not responding to her calls or messages? What did you expect, Scarlett?"

Her friends make her understand what she did and what she is doing is not justifiable

Emily said

"She's probably feeling scared or unsure about how to respond after you dropped such a bombshell."

Harley: "Ignoring her isn't helping either. It's sending a pretty clear message."

Emily: "Give her some space, and then try talking to her calmly. Hopefully, you can work things out."

Scarlett, unable to find the words to defend herself, simply stares at her hands

At that moment, Emily's phone rings, displaying Abigail's name on the screen

Scarlett pleads to put it on speaker, expressing her desire to hear Abby's voice

Emily reluctantly obliges, Harley sighing at Scarlett's request

[Abigail's voice on speaker]

"Hey, Emily."

Emily: "Hey, Abby. How are you?"

Abigail's tone is subdued

Abigail: "I'm okay. Just wondering, have you heard from Scarlett?"

Scarlett Signaling to Emily with a cross sign, Scarlett indicates not to disclose anything

Emily: (playing along) "No, actually, I haven't heard from her. I'm not sure where she is right now."

Abigail: (slightly disappointed) "Oh, okay. Well, if you do hear anything, could you let me know?"

Emily: "Of course, Abby. Take care."

Abigail: "Thanks. Bye."

Abigail ends the call

After call ended Harley voiced out her disappointed

"Scarlett, seriously, why are you treating Abby like this?"

Scarlett replied in a frustrated voice

"I messed up, okay? I don't know how to fix it."

Emily: (concerned) "It's not just you, Scarlett. Abby sounded really upset during the call."

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