Healing hearts 1

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Abigail had been observing her roommate for the past hour, noticing a look of worry on her face

Concerned, Abigail finally mustered the courage to ask Scarlett what was bothering her

Scarlett shared that she had to cancel a crucial photoshoot for an important client last week due to her illness

However, she was determined to reschedule it today, regardless of the circumstances, but her assistant was on leave due to personal reasons

Having heard the entire story, Abigail offered her help, assuring Scarlett that she was available and willing to assist her

Scarlett stared at Abigail, contemplating something, and then asked if she was absolutely certain about wanting to help

Abigail simply nodded in response

Accepting her offer, Scarlett told her to get ready as they would be leaving in an hour

When they arrived at the studio, Abigail was mesmerized by the sight before her

Scarlett's studio was breathtaking, exuding a timeless and classic theme

Scarlett proceeded to provide instructions to Abigail on how to assist her during the photoshoot

The day's agenda included a photoshoot featuring a male model promoting a perfume product

Abigail did her utmost to support Scarlett, and the first round of the photoshoot went smoothly


During the second session, Abigail was busy setting up the background theme while Henry Wiston, the male model, approached Scarlett

With a disdainful look towards Abigail, he commented to Scarlett about her, saying,

"Your new assistant is really pretty. I'll pay you extra if you give me a chance to sleep with her."

Scarlett's face flushed with anger upon hearing this disrespectful request

She clenched her fist and shot a sharp, furious gaze at the audacious Henry

Unfazed by Scarlett's anger, Henry repeated his offensive proposition

Unable to contain her frustration, Scarlett seized him by the collar of his shirt, her voice filled with rage as she warned him,

"If you don't want me to leave your face in a mess, complete this photoshoot and get the hell out of here!"

After delivering her stern message, Scarlett stormed off, leaving Henry to nervously scan the surroundings, ensuring that no one else had witnessed their encounter

He quickly made his way towards his manager

As Abigail focused on her tasks, Henry approached her, offering to help by touching the camera lens and her hand

Abigail quickly withdrew her hand, politely declining his offer and stating that she would handle it herself

Wanting to move away from Henry, Abigail attempted to continue her work, but he intercepted her again

Henry persisted, trying to entice Abigail with promises of higher pay and compliments about her looks, questioning why she was wasting her time with her current job

Uncomfortable with his behaviour, Abigail remained silent, hoping to distance herself from his gaze

Just as Henry attempted to place his hand on Abby's waist, Scarlett intervened, swiftly placing her own hand on Abby's waist and pulling her closer

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