Acceptance 3

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It had been nearly a month since Abigail and Scarlett started dating

Abigail was on her way to the club where she was supposed to meet Scarlett, Emily, and Harley

Scarlett anxiously waited for Abby, repeatedly checking the time

Emily and Harley observed Scarlett's state and teased her, remarking that they had never seen their best friend like this before

Emily playfully commented,

"Did you ever wait for us like this? We're your childhood friends. I think Abby must have cast a spell on my beloved friend."

Scarlett gave her friends a stern glare and was about to call Abby when she spotted her approaching

Abby stepped into view, dressed in a black shirt, denim shorts, and sneakers

Scarlett's eyes widened at the unexpected sight

As Harley and Emily followed Scarlett's gaze, they too looked at Abby and shared amused glances

Harley couldn't resist a playful comment,

"Well, well, well, look who's bringing the heat with that outfit."

Emily chuckled in agreement

Scarlett, still taken aback, turned to her friends and managed a half-hearted smile

Harley, with a grin, continued,

"Hey, don't give me that look. I may be joking, but seriously, even I can't deny how good she looks. And Emily? Let's just say she's appreciating the view."

Before Scarlett could respond, Abby approached, greeting everyone

Scarlett took Abby's hand and guided her to sit between her legs

Abby seemed surprised, her eyes locking with Scarlett's, clearly wanting to say something

Swiftly, Scarlett began to button up Abby's shirt, which had been partially unbuttoned, revealing her chest

In a hushed tone, she murmured,

"You're absolutely looking stunning in my shirt, but maybe we should cover up a bit more? It's quite revealing."

Abby's disbelief was palpable, and the scene unfolded amidst Emily and Harley's suppressed laughter

Both of them struggled to contain themselves, thoroughly amused by this unexpected side of their usually composed friend

Scarlett intertwined her fingers with Abby's and kissed her neck

Emily suggested, in a lower tone,

"Maybe it was time for them to go home."

Abigail lowered her head, feeling a bit embarrassed

Scarlett excused herself and went to speak with the manager, who was calling her

As Scarlett left,

"Come on, Abigail!"

Emily exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with excitement

"Let's hit the dance floor and have some fun. Harley seems pretty busy with that random guy anyway."

Abigail hesitated for a moment, her gaze shifting between Scarlett's retreating figure and Emily's eager expression

"I don't know, Emily. Scarlett just left..."

Emily grabbed Abigail's hand and gave it an encouraging squeeze

"Look, Scarlett wants you to enjoy yourself too. She'll be fine. Besides, we're here to have a blast, remember?"

Abigail managed a small smile, her worries momentarily pushed aside

"You're right. Let's do this."

Hand in hand, they made their way to the dance floor, the music enveloping them and casting away any lingering doubts

As they started moving to the rhythm, Abigail's face lit up with a newfound sense of joy

Scarlett's eyes landed on Abby and Emily dancing on the floor, and she flashed them a reassuring smile

However, her smile turned into a fierce glare as her attention was drawn to a random guy who was behaving inappropriately, his hand on Abby's thigh during the dance

Without hesitation, Scarlett swiftly navigated through the crowd, her protective instincts kicking in

She grabbed the guy's hand, twisting it with force, causing him to let out a yelp that was drowned out by the blaring music

Her voice dripping with anger, Scarlett warned him,

"Back off and stay away. If I ever see you near her again, you'll regret it."

Her threat was laced with an intensity that left the guy pale and frightened, and he hastily retreated from the dance floor

Having dealt with the situation, Scarlett approached Abby, her presence a comforting anchor amidst the chaos

Sliding her arms around Abby from behind, Scarlett joined in their dance

Abby started in surprise, but as soon as she recognized Scarlett's touch, her tense posture eased into a smile

Scarlett leaned in, her voice soft and playful as she whispered into Abby's ear,

"You know, I've got some dance moves up my sleeve. Maybe I should teach you a few... on a more suitable dance floor, like a bed."

Abby burst into laughter at Scarlett's teasing remark, the tension from earlier dissipating into the air


As they left the club, Scarlett held Abby's hand, their fingers interlaced

Once inside the car, Scarlett started the engine, the low rumble of the motor filling the silence

Abby turned to Scarlett, curiosity in her eyes, and asked about Harley and Emily

Scarlett assured her,

"Don't worry, I'll send them a text. They'll be just fine."

Abby nodded, her gaze drifting out of the car window as they began their journey home


Shadow and Light : Unveiling DestinyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz