Approaching storms

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As Abigail was about to fall, Scarlett quickly caught her from behind and asked,

"Are you okay?"

Abigail nodded, grateful for Scarlett's support.

In a fit of anger, Scarlett marched towards Alexa, delivering a resounding slap across her face.

She sternly warned,

"Stay away from my wife from now on. If you even think about touching her again, I'll deal with you myself."

Scarlett then escorted Abigail to the car, and as they drove away, Alexa placed a trembling hand on her cheek, tears streaming down her face.

She watched the departing car and muttered,

"Scarlett, you've made a grave mistake. You'll face the consequences soon enough. Just wait and see."

Scarlett and Abigail sat in the car.

Scarlett carefully fastened Abigail's seatbelt and started the car.

Abigail could sense Scarlett's anger but mustered up her courage to speak, her voice low,

"You didn't have to slap her."

Scarlett's grip on the steering wheel tightened, but she made an effort to calm herself and replied,

"She deserved it, and I don't want to discuss it, Abigail."

Abigail didn't press the issue further, and they drove home in silence.


Alexa returned home, seething with anger.

She stormed into the room and slammed the door shut with force.

In a fit of rage, she went to the closet, grabbing everything that belonged to Scarlett and tossing it haphazardly, all while yelling,

"How could you do this to me? You slapped me because of that woman."

In the midst of her fury, she accidentally knocked a diamond bracelet onto the floor.

The glint of the bracelet caught Alexa's attention, and she knelt down to pick it up.

It was a birthday gift from Scarlett, and the sight of it in her hands stirred a mix of emotions within her.


Alexa had returned home in a state of anger due to her dissatisfaction with how Scarlett had treated her.

She had canceled her birthday party and locked herself in her room, refusing to let anyone in.

In evening Alexa is laying on the bed, there was a knock at the door, and she yelled,

"I've told you numerous times that I don't want to talk. Leave me alone."

This time, the door swung open, and Alexa sat up, her eyes widening as she saw Scarlett enter the room holding a cake.

A smile crossed Alexa's face, and she exclaimed,

"I can't believe you actually came."

Scarlett approached and placed the cake on the table, responding,

"I can't believe I'm doing this either."

Alexa chuckled and remarked,

"You're quite the tease, Scarlett. I was really upset, but you've changed my mood."

Scarlett suggested,

"Alright, let's cut this cake."

Alexa cut the cake, and Scarlett presented her with a gift – a diamond bracelet from Tiffany.

She handing it to Alexa, but Alexa insisted on fastening it onto her wrist herself, which she did with precision.

Scarlett then mentioned,

"I have to go now, as I have a lot to take care of."

Alexa pleaded,

"Please stay. You've never come before, but now that you're here, can you please stay for just 1 or 2 hours?"

Scarlett let out a sigh and reluctantly agreed,


Alexa then suggested,

"Let's watch a movie."

They both settled on the bed and started watching "Twilight."

About halfway through the movie, Alexa noticed Scarlett's peaceful sleeping face.

A smile formed on her lips, and she turned off the movie.

Alexa lay down beside Scarlett, trying to get some rest herself.

Scarlett's eyes fluttered open as the morning sunlight filtered in through the window, casting warm rays across her face.

She realized she was at Alexa's house, and someone was hugging her from the side.

Gently, she lifted Alexa's arm and started to sit up, planning to leave as soon as possible.

Scarlett began putting on her shoes when she heard Alexa's voice,

"Babe, you're awake? Where are you going?"

Alexa then sat up and wrapped her arms around Scarlett from behind, continuing,

"You could stay for breakfast."

Scarlett replied,

"I'm alright. I need to get in my workout, so I don't have time for breakfast."

Alexa nodded and said,

"Okay, if that's what you want. But thank you for last night."

Scarlett responded,

"You don't have to thank me. Thank your mom and my mom; they're the ones who convinced me to do this."

Alexa, her voice lower, remarked,

"You can be so mean, Scarlett. Why don't you keep it a secret?"

Scarlett explained,

"Because I don't want you to raise false hopes."

Alexa then gathered the courage to ask,

"I understand you may not have feelings for me, but can you please give me a chance to court you? Please, Scarlett, just give it a chance."

Scarlett sighed and replied,

"Alexa, my consent doesn't change anything. You can do as you please. Just remember not to show up unannounced at my office again, okay?"

Alexa nodded and said,

"I'll consider it a yes."

Scarlett got up from the bed and headed for the door.

As she was about to leave, Alexa called out to her,

"We're going on a date this weekend."

Rolling her eyes, Scarlett left the room.

Alexa smiled to herself and thought,

"You're mine, Scar, only mine."

Flashback End

Alexa clenched the bracelet tightly in her hand, her expression twisted with determination and a touch of malice.

She spoke firmly,

"You only see the loving side of Alexa Humphrey, Scarlett, but there's another side you've yet to discover. And I'll make sure you come back to me soon."

An ominous, almost wicked smile crept across Alexa's face as she harbored her intentions.


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