Shadows of memory #2

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The shocking news delivered by her mother hit Scarlett like a nuclear bomb.

She couldn't believe what she was hearing.

Her emotions boiled over, and she almost yelled,

"What are you saying, Mom? I can't do this. You know I love someone else. I'll wait for her until my last breath, but I can't go through with this engagement."

Karla, however, maintained the same firm tone, responding,

"Scarlett, we're not asking for your opinion. We've already made the decision. You're going to marry Alexa. You're about to take over Grey Enterprises in a few months, and it's detrimental to our public image to have you out every night in clubs with random women. It's best that you marry Alexa and put this other girl behind you. The engagement is in two weeks, and I won't entertain any further discussions."

Defeated, Scarlett walked away, realizing that arguing further was futile.

She felt trapped, like her life was spiraling out of her control.

On the day of the engagement, a lavish event that had drawn rich and influential people from around the globe.

However, Scarlett was far from in high spirits.

Emily and Harley, approached her.

Although Emily's baby was only a few days old and being cared for at home by her girlfriend, she had come for Scarlett.

Harley placed a comforting hand on Scarlett's shoulder and gently advised,

"Scarlett, it's time to come to terms with reality. Abigail has moved on, and it's unlikely she'll return. It's time for you to move forward."

Emily chimed in, offering her perspective,

"I understand that your fiancée isn't the easiest person to deal with, but we can tolerate her for your sake."

The three friends shared a moment of camaraderie, smiling at Emily's remark.

Scarlett let out a deep sigh and continued,

"I miss her every day, guys. It feels like I'm lost all over again. I'm doing my best, and those therapy sessions have helped me manage my mental struggles, but I'll never forget her. Even though we didn't have enough time together, one thing is clear to me: I love her, and she'll always be my first and last love."

Before anyone could respond, Alexa approached them, addressing Scarlett,

"Scar, the ceremony is starting in a few minutes. Why are you wasting time here? Let me introduce you to my friends."

She forcefully pulled Scarlett away with her, leaving Emily and Harley behind.

Emily turned to Harley and said with a determined look,

"I thought I could give her a chance, but she is really a bitch. If she tries to take Scarlett away from us, I swear I'll punch her in the face."

Harley chuckled and reassured her,

"Don't worry, Emily. Nobody's taking our Scarlett away. She's our sister, and we'll always have her back."

The only silver lining in Scarlett's engagement was that her parents had gifted her a penthouse just a week prior.

Scarlett found solace in this new space and move there two days before the engagement ceremony.

However, after the ceremony, Alexa approached Scarlett and said,

"Scar, I'd really love to see your new penthouse tonight."

Scarlett hesitated and replied,

"I'm still getting it set up, Alexa. Maybe another time."

Alexa was persistent, though, and insisted,

"I want to see it tonight, Scar. It's a special day for me. Let's enjoy it together."

Scarlett, aware of Alexa's stubbornness, reluctantly agreed and took her to the penthouse that evening.

The penthouse was even more stunning than Alexa had anticipated.

She was in awe, taking in every detail of the place.

Scarlett, trying to ease the discomfort she felt, asked,

"Would you like a drink?"

Alexa nodded, and Scarlett poured two glasses.

As Scarlett handed Alexa her drink, she couldn't ignore the pain gnawing at her heart.

She drank four to five glasses but soon found herself drinking straight from the bottle, her emotions overwhelming her.

Alexa chuckled and teased,

"It seems like you're even happier than I am."

She moved closer to Scarlett, her eyes filled with desire, and commented,

"You look even sexier when you're drunk."

Taking the bottle from Scarlett's hand, she had a sip before initiating a passionate kiss, guiding Scarlett toward the bedroom, their lips locked in an intense embrace.

Scarlett moved her hand from Alexa's waist to her back, skillfully undoing the zip of her gown until it slipped to the floor.

She then led Alexa to the bed, reaching for a condom from the nearby drawer.

Alexa, her voice laced with desire, whispered,

"I'm fine if you don't use it. I'm yours, and you can do anything to me. I don't mind."

Alexa didn't get a response from Scarlett, who continued with her actions.

Alexa moaned in pleasure, but Scarlett remained distant.

After a few minutes, Scarlett withdrew, discarding the condom in the trash.

She lay beside Alexa and casually mentioned,

"If you want to leave, I'll call John to drop you off,"

before closing her eyes.

Alexa, however, had other thoughts.

She hovered over Scarlett, kissing her on the back and smiled, saying,

"I know you don't love me, but I'll make sure one day you'll fall for me, Scarlett. Sometimes your rudeness hurts me, but I'll never let you go."

She then lay beside Scarlett and closed her eyes, determined to win her over.

Scarlett's eyes snapped open at midnight, a throbbing pain in her head serving as an unwelcome awakening.

As she glanced beside her, she saw Alexa peacefully asleep.

Swiftly, Scarlett got out of bed, donned her clothes, and grabbed her car keys.

She embarked on a directionless drive, her destination a mystery even to herself.

Eventually, Scarlett found herself at the seaside.

She parked her car, stepped out, and walked towards the water until it lapped at her shoes.

Here, by the sea, memories of Abigail flooded back.

It was the place where they had stargazed together, the moment Scarlett realized the depth of her love for Abigail.

Overwhelmed with emotion, Scarlett stood there, tears streaming down her face.

In a desperate voice, she cried out,

"Abigail, I miss you so much. Every single day without you is agony. Please, just come back once, and I promise to make amends. I'm deeply sorry for hurting you, but I lost control, and I can't bear to live without you. The world around me feels suffocating. Abigail, I love you."

Scarlett sank to her knees, her tearful plea mingling with the soothing sound of the waves, her vulnerability rendering her utterly helpless.


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