Every cloud has a silver lining

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Abigail and Jasper tirelessly consulted numerous lawyers, only to be met with repeated rejections due to the daunting prospect of battling the formidable Grey family.

Eventually, they found themselves sitting before a lawyer who happened to be Jasper's friend.

With a resigned tone, he addressed Abigail,

"I want you to understand, Abigail, that no one is willing to take on your case. The Grey family, led by Sebastian Grey, wields an extensive team of skilled lawyers. They possess a vast network of connections that can be difficult to rival. Even if your case is compelling, the odds of prevailing against them are slim."

Abigail's last glimmer of hope faded into despair.

She was reluctant to even consider the remaining two options.

Sensing her distress, Jasper reached out, placing a comforting hand on hers.

Searching for answers, Jasper asked,

"So, are you saying we're left with no alternatives?"

The lawyer, with a sigh, responded,

"Listen, Jasper, I'll take this case because of our friendship, but I must caution you against expecting a victory. Our chances are limited at best."

After contemplating for a while, Jasper finally spoke up,

"I'm not sure if it's a viable option, but perhaps if we could prove in court that the children don't belong to Scarlett but to me, then there might be a chance."

His friend shook her head somberly, countering,

"Jasper, that approach could easily backfire. The court might demand a DNA test, and their lawyers could use that opportunity to tarnish Abigail's character, questioning her knowledge of the real father. This could significantly weaken our case."

Abigail felt the weight of their predicament pressing down on her.

She rose from her chair, realizing that there seemed to be no feasible way to confront the Greys' power and influence.

She managed a faint smile and said,

"Thank you for your advice."

Leaving the room, Abigail was trailed by Jasper, and they settled into the car.

Jasper understood that, at that moment, actions wouldn't suffice – comforting Abigail was his priority.

Taking her hand gently in his, he pressed a soft kiss to it, his voice warm and comforting,

"Abigail, remember that we're facing this together. I may not have all the answers, but please know that I'm here for you. Whatever you need, I promise I'll do my best to provide."

Abigail managed a fragile smile through her teary eyes, feeling the sincerity in his words.

She whispered a heartfelt

"Thank you,"

acknowledging his support and reassurance.

Jasper maneuvered the car into a parking spot at Grey Enterprise.

He turned to Abigail, his concern evident in his tone,

"Abigail, if you're not up to it, you don't have to go inside."

Abigail's voice was soft as she responded,

"I might not be okay, Jasper, but I have responsibilities to fulfill. I can't let them slide. I've always kept my personal and professional lives separate."

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