Destined to meet #1

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5 years later

Abigail stood in line, patiently waiting her turn to pay for her groceries at the cashier.

However, her patience was tested by the woman behind her, who seemed to take delight in making snide remarks and mocking everyone around her.

When the woman noticed Abigail's panda hoodie, she couldn't resist making a sarcastic comment, saying,

"I've never seen a panda out shopping before!"

Annoyed and angered by the woman's comment, Abigail turned her head to confront her.

But what she saw left her utterly stunned and turned her world upside down.

It was Scarlett, whom she hadn't seen in years.

The woman who had been mocking her was standing right front of Scarlett, between both of her hands as she held onto a shopping trolley.

The encounter left Abigail feeling deeply confused and numb.

She couldn't believe that almost two weeks after returning from California, she would collide with Scarlett of all people.

The timing and circumstances seemed surreal, and Abigail couldn't make sense of it all.

On Scarlett's side, seeing Abigail after five long years was a flood of emotions akin to rediscovering a person, she loved the most.

Memories and feelings from the past resurfaced, catching her off guard and leaving her with a mix of emotions.

Both Abigail and Scarlett were locked in a moment of disbelief as they stared at each other.

However, their interaction was interrupted by the cashier who requested that Abigail pay for her groceries.

Abigail shifted her gaze away from Scarlett and proceeded to complete her payment.

Feeling a rush of emotions and perhaps wanting to avoid any further awkwardness, Abigail hurriedly left the store and hailed a taxi.

Scarlett tried to catch up with her, but Abigail had already vanished.

This left Scarlett feeling frustrated and disappointed at the missed opportunity to talk to Abigail.

As Scarlett was trying to process what had just happened, the woman who had been making fun of people earlier approached her and asked what had transpired.

However, Scarlett was not in the mood to engage in conversation.

She responded curtly, dismissing the woman, saying,

"Alexa, nothing happened. Let's just go and sit in the car. We're leaving right now."

Scarlett didn't wait for the woman's response and made her way towards the car.

Alexa, followed her, sensing that Scarlett was not open to discussing the situation further.

Inside the car, the atmosphere was tense, and Scarlett's mind was still preoccupied with the unexpected encounter with Abigail.

Scarlett found herself sitting on the corner of her bed, her thoughts consumed by her recent interaction with Abigail.

Suddenly, Alexa approached from behind and embraced Scarlett in a hug.

Alexa affectionately kissed Scarlett's neck and slipped her hand inside Scarlett's shirt.

However, Scarlett gently held Alexa's hand and softly pleaded,

"Alexa, please stop."

Despite Scarlett's request, Alexa seemed oblivious and resumed her actions.

At that moment, Scarlett rose from the bed, her voice now sharp and firm, as she exclaimed,

"Didn't you hear me? I said stop! I don't want this. Alexa, please leave the house. I'm not in the mood for your nonsense."

Alexa stood facing Scarlett, raising her voice as well, and declared,

"You seem to forget who I am. I am Alexa Humphry, the daughter of Aurthur Humphry, and you dare to kick me out? I am tolerating your tantrums because you are my fiancée, and we are supposed to get married. I can do anything with you because soon you'll be my wife."

Alexa attempted to kiss Scarlett, but Scarlett firmly pushed her away, stating,

"I'm marrying you only because of my parents, so don't get your hopes up that I belong to you. For now, just leave."

After this confrontation, Alexa gathered her belongings and warned,

"You'll regret this, Scarlett Grey."

With those words, Alexa stormed out of the room.

After standing there for a few seconds, Scarlett walked towards her closet, which was filled with luxurious items from Gucci, Dior, Armani, Chanel, Valentino, and Zara.

Despite the expensive and glamorous collection, Scarlett paid no attention to these items and instead opened the last door.

From there, she took out a hoodie that belonged to Abigail.

Some of these hoodies were gifted to Scarlett by Abigail, and others were ones she had taken from Abigail's wardrobe because she loved the scent that reminded her of Abigail.

When Abigail had left, she didn't take all of her belongings from Scarlett's wardrobe, so Scarlett had kept some of the hoodies as a memento of their time together.

After taking a shower, Scarlett returns to her bed.

It has been almost five years since Abigail left, and the scent of Abigail has faded from the hoodie, but Scarlett still cherishes it because it once belonged to her beloved Abby.

As she lays on the bed, memories of their time together flood back, particularly the painful moment when Abigail departed from her life.

In her desperation to find Abigail, Scarlett tirelessly searches everywhere she can think of, visiting hospital, clinic, and various places they used to frequent together, hoping for any sign of Abby.

However, all her efforts yield no results, and it feels as if Abby has vanished completely from her life.

Even her close friend Theo doesn't have any information about Abigail's whereabouts.

Despite the disappointment and heartache, Scarlett clings to hope and visits the seaside daily, a place that holds special memories with Abigail.

Yet, Abigail is never there, leaving Scarlett yearning for a reunion that seems increasingly unlikely as time goes on.

The pain of separation and the uncertainty of Abby's absence weigh heavily on Scarlett's heart as she holds on to the love and memories they once shared.

Some months pass, and Scarlett's emotions oscillate between mania and deep despair.

She becomes restless, constantly wandering and searching for her lost love, Abigail.

As her sadness turns to anger, Scarlett resents Abigail for leaving her without any apparent reason.

This emotional turmoil takes a toll on her physical and mental health.


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