Get out of hand

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Abigail exited the office, Karla and Arianna entered.

Settling onto the couch, they exchanged glances with Scarlett, who inquired,

"Is everything alright? Why are you both here without any prior notice?"

Karla's gaze shifted between her daughters before she addressed Scarlett,

"I'll address your question later. First, you need to tell me what you were discussing with that girl. You have children, but you've never shared this with me. I never imagined you were keeping such a significant secret from us. If your father were to find out, he'd be furious."

With a somber expression, Scarlett lowered her head and replied,

"Mom, it's not as simple as you might think. The situation is really complicated."

Her mother interjected firmly,

"I don't care if it's complicated or impossible. I need an explanation."

Recognizing her mother's resolve, Scarlett understood that providing excuses would be futile.

Therefore, she took a deep breath and decided to share the entire truth with her mother.

Scarlett's mother fell into contemplation, absorbed in deep thought.

Arianna chimed in playfully,

"So, those two little demons outside the office are your kids. Interesting!"

Scarlett shot her sister a look and retorted,

"Arianna, knock it off. Those are my angels. I won't stand for anyone speaking ill of them."

Arianna grinned mischievously and persisted,

"Alright, sis. But do tell me, how did you manage to conjure up those two little demo... I mean angels?"

Scarlett turned her gaze to her mother, pleading,

"Mom, can you please get her to be quiet? I'm already upset. I'm tempted to toss her out of the window. She's just a pain in my ass."

Their mother, however, seemed unperturbed by their banter and declared,

"I want my grandchildren."

Scarlett looked at her mother in bewilderment, unsure of what she meant.

Her mother reiterated firmly,

"I want my grandchildren to have everything they deserve. They carry the Grey family's blood. They belong to us. So, I want them, no matter the circumstances."

Scarlett's eyes widened in disbelief as she responded,

"Mom, what are you talking about? I can't just take them away from their mother."

Her mother's expression held a hint of a smile as she explained,

"Then we'll provide them with a new mother. You're set to marry Alexa next month, and she will become their mother."

Scarlett's irritation flared at the suggestion, and she retorted,

"Mom, are you out of your mind? Alexa can't take care of my kids. I won't ever accept her as my fiancée, and now you want to make her their mother? I'll make it crystal clear—I won't marry that bitch under any circumstances."

Listening intently, Karla, Scarlett's mother, spoke up,

"Alright, let's strike a deal then. You give me my grandchildren, and I'll call off the engagement. You won't have to marry Alexa."

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