Get the wrong end of stick #2

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When they reached at parking area, Scarlett attempted to settle Bella into the back seat, the young girl resisted, not wanting to sit there.

Scarlett improvised, placing Bella on Abigail's lap in the front seat.

With everyone finally situated, Scarlett took the driver's seat and started the car.

Halfway through the journey, Bella's innocent voice piped up,

"Mommy, there was a lady asking about Scarlett."

Abigail's annoyance was already simmering, and this news only added to her frustration.

She responded tersely to her daughter,

"Sweetheart, if someone asks again, tell her that Scarlett is going out with someone."

Confusion knitted Bella's brow, her innocence shining through,

"Like you and Uncle Jasper go out sometimes?"

Scarlett's grip tightened on the steering wheel, her reaction swift.

She slammed on the brakes suddenly, causing Raphael, who was standing between the seats, to lurch forward.

Scarlett's swift reflexes prevented an accident, and she swiftly pulled Raphael back by his hoodie, cradling him in her arms.

In the chaos of the moment, Abigail wrapped her arms protectively around Bella, her anger and worry palpable.

Her voice shook with a mix of concern and frustration,

"Are you crazy, Scarlett? Do you realize we have kids in the car? Is this how you drive? Raphael, how many times have I told you not to stand there? You never listen to me!"

The car came to a halt on the roadside, the tense atmosphere within reflecting the emotional turmoil of the moment.

Scarlett's heart ached as the cries of Bella and Raphael filled the space, a stark reminder of the unintended consequences of her actions.

With a heavy heart, Scarlett unfastened her seatbelt and gently hugged Raphael.

His tears stained his cheeks as she held him close, soothingly patting his back and embracing him tightly.

She came outside the car walking back and forth, her movements soothing the distressed child until his sobs gradually subsided.

Eventually, he drifted off to sleep in her arms.

Carefully settling Raphael back into her lap, Scarlett returned to the driver's seat.

Her gaze shifted to Abigail, who held a sleeping Bella in her arms.

Scarlett's voice was soft as she addressed the woman beside her, her regret evident,

"I'm really sorry."

Abigail's response was curt but laden with exhaustion,

"Let's just get us home."

Upon arriving home, Scarlett lifted Raphael into her arms, while Abigail gently cradled the sleeping, Bella.

They carefully settled the kids, ensuring their comfort.

Abigail proceeded to remove their shoes and socks.

Just as Scarlett was about to speak, Abigail intervened, whispering,

"The kids are asleep. Let's talk outside."

As Abigail switched off the bedroom light, Scarlett's eyes landed on the peaceful faces of their children, a wave of protectiveness washing over her.

The thought of anything happening to Raphael or Bella was a haunting one, and the fear gnawed at her.

Moving in behind Abigail, Scarlett enveloped her in a back hug and spoke softly,

"I'm truly sorry, Abby. I'll be more cautious. But when Bella brings up you and Jasper, my emotions sometimes get the best of me. I promise I'll control myself from now on."

Their close proximity intensified the moment, Scarlett's words hanging in the air.

She continued, her voice still low and earnest,

"Abigail, I know there's nothing between you and Jasper. Do you?"

As the words lingered, Scarlett's lips brushed against Abigail's shoulder, and soon the tenderness evolved into a gentle, passionate kiss.

Scarlett's lips traced to Abigail's earlobe, where she gave a tender bite, the sensations of their closeness growing deeper.

Abigail's push broke the intimate embrace, and her voice was firm as she spoke,

"Scarlett, you've crossed a line. Whether I'm dating Jasper or not is none of your concern. Today's events have been enough. I'm asking you now, please stay away from my family. Do not involve my children with you. I want you to keep your distance from them. This is my final warning, Scarlett. As I mentioned before, I will indeed resign from my job, and I'll make sure it happens soon."

Abigail gestured towards the door, her stance unwavering, and her words held an undeniable resolve,

"The door is right there. You'll have to find your own way out, or I'll help you out."

Scarlett didn't utter a word; she walked towards the door and left.

Abigail sank onto the couch, her tears flowing freely.

"I'm sorry, Scarlett,"

she whispered to the empty room.

"I don't know how, but you're still managing to affect me. In the past, I could handle heartbreak, but now I have two children to consider. I can't risk anything that might hurt them. It's better if you stay away from us."


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