Fall to pieces #1

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Abigail was fraught with nervousness as the evening approached.

Uncertainty hung in the air as she questioned whether her decision was the right one.

A whirlwind of thoughts spun through her mind, leaving her feeling apprehensive about what lay ahead.

Despite her doubts, Abigail focused on the task at hand and set about changing the kids' clothes.

She marveled at how adorable they looked.

Raphael sported a white check shirt paired with shorts that reached above his knees, while Bella donned a white frock that brushed her knees.

Choosing a knee-length dress for herself, Abigail took a moment to assess her appearance before addressing her children.

With a gentle tone, she said,

"My sweethearts, I want you to behave well and show respect to everyone."

Both children nodded in agreement.

Abigail guided them to the car, ensuring their seat belts were securely fastened.

She settled into the driver's seat and started the car engine.

Twenty minutes later, they arrived at the imposing Grey Mansion, a mix of apprehension and determination in Abigail's heart.

The Grey Mansion stood before them, an awe-inspiring sight that Abigail couldn't help but be mesmerized by.

Its grandeur was akin to that of a palace, and the first glance left her momentarily captivated.

Bella break silence and said,

"Mommy Scarlett's home is pretty."

Bella's innocent observation brought a smile to Abigail's lips.

"Yes, sweetheart, Scarlett's home is indeed beautiful,"

she replied, her agreement evident in her tone.

As Bella expressed her excitement, Abigail anticipated her daughter's eagerness to explore.

She gently took Bella's hand, knowing full well that her spirited little one might dart off in excitement to explore the vast mansion.

Bella's determination to break free from her grip, however, didn't go unnoticed.

"Honey, I know you're excited, but I'd feel better if we held hands while we walk,"

Abigail explained, her voice gentle and understanding.

Raphael, being attuned to his twin's intentions, looked at Bella with a knowing glance, fully aware of her desire to explore independently.

Abigail guided her children to the front door of the Grey Mansion, only to find it already open.

A maid quickly appeared to greet them, leading them into the house.

Inside, their attention was drawn to Scarlett's parents, who were watching TV.

Karla, Scarlett's mother, spoke up, her words directed at Abigail,

"So you're here future daughter-in-law."

Abigail didn't reply, her silence hanging in the air.

Karla proceeded to warmly hug both kids, urging them to take a seat.

Raphael settled near his grandfather, Sebastian.

The elderly man's eyes held a mixture of adoration and curiosity as he looked at the young boy.

Sebastian engaged him in conversation, asking,

"So, young man, what are your interests?"

A shy smile formed on Raphael's lips as he replied,

"Sir, I like video games and horse riding."

Sebastian's smile widened as he advised,

"You don't have to call me 'sir.' You can call me 'grandpa.'"

Raphael's response was a soft smile, acknowledging the sentiment.

Sebastian's enthusiasm wasn't dampened as he continued,

"You know, I have a lot of horses. How about I show them to you and you can tell me which one you like?"

Raphael's attention was fully captured as he engaged in a lively conversation with Sebastian, his initial shyness giving way to genuine interest.

A maid interrupted the ongoing conversation, addressing Karla,

"Ma'am, I've tried calling Miss Scarlett multiple times, but she's not responding."

Karla's attention shifted to Abby, and she suggested,

"Why don't you go and get Scarlett out of her room?"

Abigail hesitated at the proposition; her uncertainty evident.

Karla's response was straightforward,

"Yes, you. It's not a difficult task. She's your future wife. Just go upstairs. The third room is Scarlett's, and soon to be yours too."

Abigail's reluctance was palpable, yet she stood up, ready to face the challenge.

Before she could head upstairs, Bella piped up, expressing her desire to accompany her mother.

Abigail smiled gently and took Bella's hand in hers, responding to her daughter's request.

Together, they made their way upstairs.

Standing before the door, Abigail contemplated knocking.

However, Bella's excitement got the better of her, and she eagerly swung the door open before Abigail had a chance to make a sound.

The sight that greeted them was unexpected and not suitable for young eyes.

Reacting swiftly, Abigail covered Bella's eyes with her hand, shielding her daughter from the scene that lay before them.


Diana asked,

"What prompted you to call me out of the blue? You're better than others in many aspects like on bed, Scarlett. Sometimes, I do miss you, so I'm glad you reached out."

Scarlett chose not to reveal her true motive to Diana, aiming to make it possible that today she will get rid of Alexa.

Undeterred, Diana attempted to bridge the gap between them, placing a hand on Scarlett's chest and leaning in for a kiss.

Scarlett instinctively moved away, gently suggesting,

"Diana, why the rush? Let's talk about something else."

However, Diana persisted, drawing closer once more and embracing Scarlett.

She seductively said,

"You have no idea how much I desire you, Scarlett."

Inside, Scarlett's frustration boiled over as she grappled with the unexpected turn of events.

She thought,

"I didn't call her for this purpose. I simply wanted to get rid of Alexa but this horny bitch is more annoying than Alexa."

Diana, driven by her persistent advances, boldly pushed Scarlett onto a nearby chair.

She positioned her leg between Scarlett's, closing the physical distance between them.

Scarlett's initial instinct was to push her away, but just as she was about to act, the door unexpectedly swung open.

In that moment, Scarlett's gaze fell upon Abigail and Bella standing in the doorway.

Abigail acted swiftly, covering Bella's eyes and shooting Scarlett a stern glance before promptly leaving the room.


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