Obscure #1

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As Abigail arrived at the pool party, she noticed that everyone was already gathered.

The atmosphere was filled with laughter and the sounds of splashing water.

Her children's faces were lit up with excitement as they took in the sight of the pool and the other kids already playing.

With Isabella's foot still causing some discomfort, Abigail gently held her daughter in her arms, ensuring she was comfortable and safe.

Meanwhile, Raphael wasted no time in joining the fun.

His excitement was evident as he ran toward Austin and the other kids, ready to immerse himself in the world of play.

As the pool party continued, Abigail's attention was drawn to Scarlett, who had joined the gathering.

Scarlett was dressed casually in shorts and a shirt, her presence a surprise to some.

Emily playfully said,

"Well, look who decided to join the party!"

Scarlett seemed unfazed by the remarks and walked over, her focus on Bella.

She gently patted Bella's head in a reassuring gesture.

Scarlett softly asked

"Hey there, little one. How's that foot doing?"

Isabella took the opportunity to voice her desire in a hushed tone,

"Mommy, can I go into the pool?"

Abigail looked at Isabella, her expression tender but concerned and gently replied,

"Sweetheart, you have an injury on your foot. It's not safe to swim right now. Please understand and don't be stubborn."

Isabella's determination shone through as she tightly held onto Scarlett's hand and gazed up at her with those innocents, pleading eyes.

Scarlett, faced with Isabella's unwavering gaze, found herself unable to resist the child's earnestness.

With a warm smile, she yielded to the request.

"Well, it looks like I've been recruited. Alright, little swimmer, let's do this!"

Abigail was about to interject, but Scarlett's swift action prevented her.

Before Abigail could voice her concern, Scarlett had already lifted Isabella into her arms.

The child's persuasive determination had won Scarlett over, and Abigail found herself momentarily taken aback by the turn of events.

Scarlett carefully settled Isabella at the edge of the pool before wading into the water herself.

With a gentle touch, she lifted Isabella into her arms, their faces adorned with matching smiles.

Scarlett's steps were cautious as she navigated the shallow area designed for children.

Emily and Harley exchanged amused glances, sharing a chuckle at the slightly awkward yet endearing interaction between Scarlett and the kids.

Emily: (whispering to Harley) Well, I guess stranger mochi can become temporary lifeguards too.

Harley: (whispering back) Who would've thought?

While Emily and Harley laughed, Abigail's worry for her child remained.

Emily tried to reassure her, saying,

"Abby, don't be scared. She'll take care of her. Just trust her."

Abigail responded with a note of bitterness,

"Trusting her was the biggest mistake of my life."

Emily sighed and gently held Abigail's hand, looking into her eyes with sincerity.

She spoke softly,

"I understand, Abby. What Scarlett did was wrong, and there's no justifying it. But she has always loved you, truly. I see it in her eyes. Even though you have kids now, she still loves you."

Abigail cut Emily off, asserting that

"Emily, this isn't about love. It's about something much deeper and unhealthy—an obsession."

Harley chimed in, acknowledging that

"You're right, Abby. There's no denying that there's an obsession. But it's not just that. Scarlett also harbours a fear, a fear of losing you."

Abigail's eyebrows furrowed in slight confusion, and Harley continued to explain.

"You've changed her life, Abigail. You've touched places within her that were wounded emotionally for a long time. You might not fully understand the extent of her experiences from her past."

Perplexed, Abigail asked for clarification,

"What do you mean, experiences from her past?"

Emily and Harley then shared the painful and heart-wrenching story of Scarlett's past, revealing the inhumane treatment she had endured from her own family.

The revelation left Abigail stunned, her eyes brimming with sympathy and disbelief.

Emily, placing a comforting hand on Abigail's mouth, pleaded,

"Please don't dwell on this too much. It's in the past."

Abigail struggled to find words, her emotions swirling as she grappled with this new perspective on Scarlett's life.

To lighten the atmosphere, Harley suggested,

"Let's eat something and I know kids might be hungry too."

As the evening descended, the pool party started to wind down, and Abigail began to gather her children, signalling that it was time to leave.

However, her kids appeared reluctant to bid farewell to the fun they were having, and Abigail's patience seemed to wear thin.

Frustration crept into her tone as she snapped at them to hurry.

Under her breath, Scarlett murmured,

"I never thought this irresistible baby could be so scary with her own kids."

The unexpected comment landed like a small bombshell, drawing the attention of the people around, including Abigail.

Abigail's eyes widened in surprise and confusion, her heart racing as she processed what Scarlett had said.

In an attempt to diffuse the situation, Abigail quickly ushered her children toward the car, a mixture of emotions roiling within her.


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