Unraveling secrets 2

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Upon entering the room, Scarlett's gaze fell upon Abby, still peacefully sleeping, unchanged from the previous night's events

A mixture of bitterness and sadness welled up within Scarlett, prompting her to sarcastically mutter under her breath,

"Are you satisfied now, having had your fun with your new boyfriend Theo last night?"

With those words lingering in the air, Scarlett collapsed onto her bed, physically and emotionally spent from the tumultuous evening

Scarlett's eyes flutter open, startled by the sounds emanating from the kitchen

Glancing at the clock, she realizes it's already 10 in the morning

After refreshing herself, she ventured out of the bedroom

Though still harbouring resentment towards Abby, she can't help but feel a pang of worry as she notices her body trembling

Sensing something amiss, Scarlett mutters to herself, wondering if Abby is feeling cold

In a monotone voice, she musters the courage to ask,

"Are you okay?"

No response comes from Abby, prompting Scarlett to repeat her question

Still met with silence, Scarlett approaches her, placing a hand gently on Abby's shoulder, and asks once more

This time, Abby responds in a heavy voice,

"I am okay Scarlett but I am not in the mood to talk"

Concern deepens within Scarlett as she turns Abby towards herself, only to discover her tear-stained face with red cheeks and nose

Acting on instinct, Scarlett tenderly wipes away Abby's tears and gently pats her head, soothingly inquiring about what happened

Abby remains unresponsive, tears streaming down her face as she hangs her head in anguish

Feeling an overwhelming urge to comfort her, Scarlett places her hands on Abby's waist, lifting her and settling her on the kitchen shelf

With Scarlett positioned on either side, Abby finds herself trapped, while Scarlett holds her tightly, allowing her to cry and release her pent-up emotions

As time passes and Abby's condition shows slight signs of improvement, Scarlett releases the embrace but continues to ask her what happened

Abby, struggling to articulate her feelings, can only manage to utter the name


between sobs, causing her to break down once more

Anger and concern mix within Scarlett, her protective instincts flaring up as she questions Abby,

"Did he do something? Did that bastard hurt you?"

Scarlett carefully examines Abby's body, searching for any visible signs of harm

As Abby musters the courage to open up to Scarlett, she can feel the deep wounds inflicted by the events of the previous night

With tear-filled eyes, she begins recounting her experience at Theo's party.

"Theo and I were having a good time at the party,"

she began

"He introduced me to his friends, and after a while, I finally gathered the courage to express my feelings to him."

Her voice wavered as she recalled the painful moment, tears streaming down her cheeks

"But then,"

she continued, her voice catching in her throat,

"a woman came up to Theo and kissed him right in front of me."

The pain in her words was palpable

Abigail paused to collect herself before recounting the next part of the story.

"Theo introduced her as his girlfriend, Ava Mills. It was like a punch to the gut."

Tears welled up in Abigail's eyes once more as she remembered the heartbreak of that night

"He left me alone at the party,"

she said softly, her voice filled with sadness

"Theo took her to a room, and I was just left there, feeling broken and abandoned."

As Abby finishes her story, her tears flow uncontrollably, seeking solace in Scarlett's arms

Scarlett, understanding the magnitude of Abby's pain, can only offer comfort by patting her back gently

In a soothing tone, she said

"Abby, Theo doesn't deserve you. You're an incredible person, and someday you'll find someone who genuinely cares for you and loves you just as you deserve."

Releasing Abigail from the hug, Scarlett offered a warm smile

"Now, my panda, why don't you go and wash your face? Freshen up a bit. I'll take care of making breakfast."

Taking Abby's hands in hers, she helps her down from the kitchen shelf, guiding her towards the room

Watching Abby leave, Scarlett can't help but feel a deep sadness for her

Scarlett couldn't help but voice her thoughts aloud, addressing Theo as if he were there.

"Theo, you're such an asshole,"

she exclaimed, her words laced with indignation

"You've lost an angel like Abigail."

With determination in her eyes, Scarlett made a promise to herself

"I'll make this up for you Abigail. You deserve better. I can't help but feel bad for her. How can the world be so cruel with my 'mini panda'?"


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