Out of the blue

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Scarlett sat in her office, but her mind was tangled up with thoughts of Abigail and her children.

It had been nearly a week since she had last seen her kids.

The sadness of their absence weighed heavily on her; she missed them profoundly.

Her son and especially her daughter Isabella were on her mind.

Isabella had always been so attached to her whenever they were together.

As Scarlett dwelled on her thoughts, she whispered to herself,

"I can't bear to be without my babies. The longing is just too much. Ever since I found out they're mine, all I want is to hold them, share meals with them, take them to school, and spend weekends together."

Amid her deep contemplation, her phone suddenly rang.

Despite the unknown caller, she answered.

On the other end was Raphael, who urgently spoke,

"Scarlett, could you please pick us up from school? Something's wrong with the school, and Mommy isn't answering her phone."

Without hesitation, Scarlett replied,

"Of course, my dear. I'll be there. Don't worry."

Raphael persisted,

"Please hurry, though. The school is empty, and Bella is really scared; she's crying."

Scarlett's concern deepened, and she reassured Raphael,

"Listen carefully, Raphael. Take good care of your sister. I'm on my way, and don't leave her side. Just stay with her until I arrive."

Raphael replied,


with a hint of relief in his voice.

Filled with worry for her children and unable to bear the thought of her daughter's distress, Scarlett rushed toward the elevator.

The concern gnawed at her, making her urgency palpable.

While she understood Abigail's busy schedule, she knew she had to carry her phone with her in case of any emergency.

Once in the parking area, her driver, John, expressed his surprise,

"Boss, you didn't inform me; otherwise, I would have brought the car around. Just give me a minute, and I'll have it ready for you."

Scarlett shook her head, a sense of urgency still driving her,

"No, John, it's alright. I need to go myself. I have to get to the school and pick up the kids."

Without waiting, she swiftly started the car's engine and departed from the area, determined to reach her children as quickly as possible.

Upon arriving at the school, Scarlett parked her car and swiftly made her way inside.

There, on a bench, sat her precious little ones.

At the sight of Scarlett, they rushed towards her with joy in their eyes.

Scarlett knelt down and enveloped them in a warm embrace.

While Raphael seemed to be alright, Isabella's tear-streaked face revealed her distress.

Scarlett turned to Raphael, concern etched on her face, and asked,

"Are you okay?"

He nodded in response.

Gently lifting Isabella into her arms, Scarlett whispered soothingly,

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