Conspiracy in the shadows

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The next morning, Abigail and Arianna were discussing what they wanted for breakfast when Scarlett and Lucas entered the house.

Abigail glanced at Arianna and asked,

"Why is she here so early?"

Arianna explained,

"Well, Abby, Skylar's car broke down last night, so Lucas suggested she stay in the guest room.

You know she's our business partner, so we should be a bit more considerate."

Abigail sighed and began preparing breakfast.

Scarlett and Lucas were having a conversation when they noticed Raphael and Bella descending the stairs.

Scarlett looked at her babies, feeling a strong urge to hug and lift them into her arms.

However, she glanced at Lucas and said,

"Lucas, I have to leave. You can't imagine how hard it is for me to resist when Abby and Aroura are close, but my twins weaken me even more, especially my Bella."

Scarlett rushed towards the door, leaving Lucas shaking his head and thinking,

"I can't believe she's my sister, afraid of her own 5-year-old twins."

Lucas and the twins then entered the kitchen.

Arianna inquired,

"Where's Skylar?"

Lucas responded,

"She had something urgent and left earlier."

Abigail smiled and thought,

"Thank goodness. It's really challenging to tolerate her."

After breakfast, Abigail called Jasper and expressed,

"Hi Jas, how are you? I'm really sorry about last night. I don't know how to apologize."

Jasper, on the other end, reassured her, saying,

"You don't need to apologize, Abby. I'm fine."

Abigail replied,

"I'm truly embarrassed, Jasper. I'll try to make it up to you."

Jasper chuckled and suggested,

"You don't have to feel that way, Abby. If you really want to make it up to me, how about going on a date with me?"

Abigail hesitated and then said,

"Jasper, last night I thought I would explain everything. Why are you complicating our friendship?"

Jasper tried to convince Abigail, saying,

"Abby, I'm not asking you to marry me. I'm just asking for one date. I want you to give it a chance. If it doesn't work out or you're not comfortable, I promise I won't ever ask you to be my girlfriend or anything like that. Please, Abigail, just give me one chance to court you."

Abigail was torn.

Jasper was her best friend who had always been there for her.

She didn't want to hurt him, but her heart told her to say no.

Nonetheless, Abigail replied,

"Jasper, it's hard for me, but I'll think about it."

Jasper smiled and said,

"Okay, Abby, thank you so much. I'll wait for your response. Goodbye."

Abigail ended the call and sat on the bed, deep in thought.

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