New connection #2

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Abigail curiously asked,

"So, who is this new friend you had lunch with?"

Isabella and Raphael exchange glances, their expressions unsure.

Abigail again asked

"Did you both go outside of the office without telling anyone?"

Isabella and Raphael lower their heads, their guilt evident.

Abigail getting stern

"Look at me, please. Did you go outside?"

Isabella and Raphael remain silent, their reluctance to answer only increasing Abigail's worry.

Abigail firmly said

"Alright, if you don't tell me what happened, the punishment will be extended to three months."

Isabella can't hold back anymore and quickly speaks up.

"Mommy, she is our new friend, and she's really cute."

Abigail looks at Isabella, disappointment evident in her eyes.

"Bella, Raphael, have you both forgotten what I've taught you about talking to strangers? Should I go over it again?"

Raphael: (softly) Sorry, Mommy.

Isabella: (echoing) Sorry, Mommy.

As Abigail looked into their grey eyes, eyes that always managed to catch her off guard with their innocence and curiosity, she let out a heartfelt sigh.

With a mixture of emotions, she pulled Isabella and Raphael into a tight embrace.

Abigail softly, pleadingly,

"My sweethearts, I need you to understand something very important. You two are the most precious people in Mommy's life. I would do anything to keep you safe and happy. But for me to do that, we need to communicate with each other, always. Promise me that you'll never do anything like that."

As the days rolled on, nearly a week had passed since the incident.

It was a pleasant Sunday, and Abigail thought it would be a good opportunity to take her kids out for a meal.

She decided on KFC and was discussing the menu options with Isabella and Raphael.

Abigail: (smiling) Alright, my little food critics, what do you want to eat today?

Isabella: (enthusiastically) Chicken nuggets!

Raphael: (nodding) And a burger!

Abigail chuckled at their excitement.

"Nuggets and a burger it is then."

Just as she was about to continue discussing their order, Isabella and Raphael suddenly exclaimed in unison, their voices carrying with excitement.

Isabella and Raphael: (loudly) "Mochi!"

Abigail's attention was immediately diverted, and she turned her head to see what had caught their attention.

To her surprise, she saw Scarlett, Emily, and Harley.

The situation that she had hoped to avoid was unfolding right before her eyes.

Isabella and Raphael's exclamation had inadvertently caught the attention of Scarlett, Emily, and Harley, who were now making their way over to Abigail and her kids.

Seeing Abigail, Emily and Harley couldn't contain their excitement.

They rushed over and enveloped Abigail in warm, tight hugs.

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