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After nearly dying last night, Izuku managed to return to his room in the dorms and head to the guild the next morning. Even though he was extremely exhausted, he managed to recover thanks to the status recovery he purposely kept for circumstances like this.

Izuku, who arrived at the guild as usual, immediately went to his room. He then turned on his computer and checked the incoming report.

From what he saw it seemed like more and more dungeons were appearing lately. This is of course not surprising since one of them also appeared in the area around UA high school. Even though this was not a good sign, he still couldn't deny the benefits he would gain from this.

The more dungeons that appear, the more resources he can get. Even though Izuku is not someone who is crazy about wealth, operating a guild of this size certainly requires a lot of money.

Izuku looked at the list of gates that appeared on his monitor and began to arrange which gate would be his priority for proposing negotiations with the Hunter association.

Since the Dawn guild's operating area was in Tokyo, Musutafu, and the surrounding area, Izuku chose the dungeon in this area. If he chose a dungeon that was outside that area, he might cause conflict with other guilds. Moreover, they often argued with other large guilds about this issue.

After compiling the list he then sent it to the Guild master for approval before sending it to the Hunter association. Once his work was finished he looked at the clock which showed lunch time.

' it's almost time '

Izuku turned off his computer and prepared to leave. He then put on his guild robes and went downstairs to meet the driver who was waiting for him.

For class this time he went alone since Toya and the others had a raid schedule. It didn't take long for him to arrive at UA High School. When he arrived there, he was greeted again by the principal who was also accompanied by the class B homeroom teacher, Vlad King.

After exchanging light greetings they headed to Ground Beta since the Ground Omega they last used was in quite a bad condition and was still in the process of being repaired. The students had also gathered there wearing their hero costumes, even class A students were also there wearing their uniforms. Class A is also here just to watch and observe while not participating in this battle, although some look like they are unsatisfied about this.

Izuku then exchanged greetings with the students and chatted with them for a while. After that, they then continued class as scheduled.

The students were initially a bit skeptical as Izuku said he would summon his shadow soldiers to replace his comrades as match opponents for them. But when he summoned the generals of his shadow soldiers, everyone immediately fell silent.

How could they not, the intimidating aura emitted by Izuku's shadow soldiers felt darker and more threatening compared to Izuku's previous colleagues.

The match proceeds as before with Izuku summoning Igris, Tusk, Iron, and Tank as boss monsters. He excluded Beru since he would be serving as a medic. Apart from that, he also doubted whether Beru could restrain himself when facing the students considering his violent nature.

The class lasted for more than 2 hours as previously scheduled. After finishing class, they gathered in the monitoring room to review today's class.

Luckily, everything went smoothly and there were no sudden incidents like before. The class finally ended with Izuku giving the students some advice for them to improve.

After class finished, Izuku and the principal went to his room to discuss today's class and also their possible future cooperation.

Izuku then said his goodbyes as his discussion with the principal finished, and he also gave them some mana stones as a sign of their cooperation. He gave it to him since the principal asked him for the research materials that the student who made the artifact for Shimizu requested from the previous day.

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