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Izuku rushed through the cave, heading straight for the boss room. He stopped halfway after seeing the blood mark on the floor. His mind was racing to think of the worst possible outcome that could happen.

Without delay, Izuku ran to the boss room as fast as he could. He got to the boss room just to watch Ichirou's body being played around by the dungeon boss's magic.


Izuku's body moved on its own, he took out a dagger from his inventory. He blocks the path of the axe that is about to hit Ichirou and flies the Org that attacked him to the ceiling.

The bloodthirsty leaking from Izuku exudes heavy pressure around him. He couldn't bear to watch the lives of his comrades being played right in front of his eyes. Blinded by anger, he looked at the dungeon boss with eyes full of rage.

Kargalgan, who had been watching all this time, narrowed his eyes as he sensed the bloodlust emitted by Izuku.

" human...

it seems that you have an extraordinary talent for ordinary humans. But how long will it last against all of us? "

" You have made a big mistake, I will not let any of you live. "

Izuku's shadow flickered and spread widely, the rising shadows began to take the form of knights, monsters, and Hyakki.

Right behind him stood a death army capable of shaking anyone who saw it.

Kargalgan laughed at the sight of the humans who dared to challenge him.

" trying to fight with my soldiers with just that many soldiers. "

" we'll see how long you can laugh "


[Skill: 'Domain of The Monarch' Activated.]

Izuku's mana by spreading forms his domain. Every shadow soldier in his realm received an increase in strength to some extent, turning their previously glowing blue appearance into purple.

The raid team watching all the time couldn't help but be surprised by the pressure that Izuku emitted at this time. The pressure they felt was comparable to Kargalgan.

They have never seen Izuku this angry, they only know the good side of Izuku, and rarely see his dark side. For a moment they could hardly recognize it.

" i-is it the Izuku we know? "

" I'm not sure either, how can such unpleasant energy come from humans... "

It was as if he had become a different person. Surrounded by black soldiers, he looked like the God of death himself.

Izuku glanced at the raid team, confirming whether they were safe.

" Take them out while I deal with these monsters "

He ordered several knights to escort the raid team outside. Izuku looked back at Kargalgan, where he once again got up ready to attack.

" What are you all doing? Destroy him! "

Izuku was surrounded by Kargalgan warriors, and the raid team was already at a safe distance from the battlefield.

Iron then uses the skill 'Taunting Cry' to provoke an army of high orcs but fails due to level differences. Knowing this, he became angry, swung his axe fiercely, and managed to wipe out three orcs in one blow.

Igris on the other hand raised his sword, then slashed at every enemy that approached him mercilessly. Blood and bits of flesh splattered around him. Igris swung his sword to clean the bloodstain on it then headed for the next enemy.

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