43. Time To Go

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Taehyung woke up earlier than Kook the next morning. He looked at his precious bunny's cute face on his chest. There was calmness on Kook's pretty face, having Taehyung's warmth close to him.

His sleeping features were silent and soft except the hella tempting pout on his lips. Taehyung pecked softly on it. He brushed away the hair off Kook's forehead and pressed a soft peck there as well.

This scene wasn't gonna be the first thing Taehyung would witness after opening his eyes from tomorrow. He'd wake up alone, eat alone and stay alone till his wifey would be in his arms !

No doubt his Appa would be here, his hyungs would be here with him; but his bunny won't be around.

Taehyung had fallen for his Koo more than he thought or felt. He was literally head over heels for his baby !

The thoughts of staying away from his love were killing him from inside. But he must stay strong and shouldn't break down infront of his Kookie !

Though, he was on the verge of crying but he decided to not cry infront of his baby and make him sad while leaving.

He kissed Kook's temple and after taking shower he went to kitchen to prepare breakfast for his Koo.

He did went to kitchen for preparing breakfast for Kook but he forgot that, he can't cook at all, in the first place !

While finding the pancake mix, many other boxes fell down. Some of them broke, some had cracked lids and all the things inside the boxes were laying on the floor.

In the name of cooking, he started destroying the kitchen completely. But he was determined to cook for his baby no matter what.

After listening to the loud noises from the kitchen early in the morning, Min-kyu came to see what's going on.

" For the love of God, stop destroying my kitchen you brat ! "

Min-kyu said angrily, coming to Tae. The thought of cleaning the mess and wasted food infuriated him.

" Appa, I wanna prepare breakfast for my Koo. Please, will you help me ? "

Tae said pouting cutely at his Appa. His puppy eyes melted his father and his anger vanished in thin air.

Min-kyu cooed at his son's cuteness.
His heart felt at peace watching his son taking efforts for his husband.

Tae was covered with the flour he had took for preparing pancakes. Min-kyu chuckled at his cute looking son and dusted the flour off his face.

" Come here, I will teach you. "

Min-kyu said and helped Tae with preparing pancakes.

Tae used the heart shaped mold to surprise Kook. But it was his first time cooking something and so, it wasn't easy for him. Though, his Appa guided him while cooking, almost all of the pancakes he tried were either burnt or half cooked !

So, before the entire mix finished with Taehyung's trial pancakes, he handed the remaining batter to his Appa so that, they all can have something to eat.

He decorated the pancakes he made with chocolate spread and banana slices; to hide the burnt look of it. He got Kook's favorite banana milk as well.

Meanwhile, Kook woke up without his hyungie's warmth around him, he is used to wake up to.

He wanted to start the day with a good morning kiss or maybe a hot makeout with his hubby or... maybe getting a mind blowing blow job from him, just like last night !

He blushed and bit his lips at the memories of last night. He had loved the feeling of getting intimate with his husband. He wanted to experience that once again. But his heartless and unromantic hubby decided to leave him alone here !

He didn't even think about his wifey might be wanting something from him which only he can give it to him. But his hubby wasn't there to give it to him and it made the bunny sulk !

He got off the bed and after taking shower he went downstairs, ready to fight with his hubby for leaving him alone in the bed on his last day here.

I mean, how can he even think of leaving him even for a moment ? They won't be staying close to eachothers from tonight ! So, shouldn't he cherish the few moments they have left together ? The sulky bunny thought.

But the moment he was welcomed by a flour covered, sweaty and an apron wearing Taehyung, with a plate full of pancakes in his hand and his contagious boxy smile; his anger vanished in thin air, like it was never there at all !

" Good morning, Koo. I tried to cook pancakes for you. Here, try it. "

Taehyung said putting the plate on the table and pulled Kook and made him sit on the chair.

Kook was so surprised and overwhelmed by his husband's gesture. He knows he can't cook yet he tried to and it made Kook's eyes wet because of the love his husband have for him !

" Bunny, don't cry. You haven't even tasted them and you considered already that, they are bad ? Don't break my heart like this love ! "

Taehyung said pouting.

He knows his wifey inside out and so, he knew why Kook was crying but he wanted his baby to be smiling and be happy and giggling only.

Kook chuckled at his silly husband and took first bite...

It was burnt as hell !

Yet kook smiled and appreciated his efforts. He tried another one and that was undercooked. Yet he complimented Tae.

Tae got it and didn't let Kook eat anymore and let him have the ones made by Min-kyu !

He didn't wanted his baby to leave with an upset stomach because of bad food.

The day came to the end with a blink; to much dislike of the couple. They knew Kook have to leave, yet they didn't wanted the time to come so soon.

They were just having lunch while chatting and it was time for Kook to leave, already !

Tae was determined to not cry while seeing off his wifey at the airport and only smile infront of him.

But Kook's big fat tears broke his heart. He was clinging onto Tae like his life depends on it. He didn't wanted to let go of his hubby at all.

Taehyung somehow managed to not cry while seeing him off. But he couldn't hold back the urge to kiss his baby one last time before he leaves !

He tightened his hold on Kook and grabbing by his nape, Tae kissed him hard and eagerly. Kook kissed him back, with his tears falling without a pause.


Poor babies.
But as promised, they won't stay away for too long and no excess loominess in the story.


Thankyou so much guys for your support ❤️

Please ignore my mistakes .

That's all for this chapter, see you soon with the next one 💜💜

Bye bye ARMY 👋

Loving you bit by bit 💜💜 |18+| TAEKOOK VKOOK |Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat