23. Hyungie Loves Koo

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After the crying session and agreeing to be back at being Kookie and hyungie, they had together the lunch Kook had prepared.

" Mmmm... Kookie you are the best ! The food just tastes amazing when you cook it, I swear. "

Taehyung said stuffing spoon after spoon in his mouth. He was happy to be able to talk to his Kookie without feeling anything, as the younger made clear that he don't have any romantic feelings for him.

It would be easier to control himself knowing that, Kookie looks at him only as his hyungie and nothing else !

" Hyungie, slow down ! You are gonna choke on it. It's all for you and I can prepare more if, you need, just slow down. Nobody is gonna snatch it from you. "

Jungkook said giggling at his baby hyungie. Taehyung always stuffed his mouth to eat more when he loved the food. Jungkook felt happy to have his hyungie back.

They spent the day talking to eachothers, just like they used to. They didn't needed the TV or anything else when they had eachothers. They were catching on what they had lost.

Taehyung apologized Kook for being an ass to him and Kook forgave him, wanting to keep the past in past.

The thought of calling Somi over never crossed Taehyung's mind again. Instead he called over his hyungs and they had a blast.

Jin and Kook prepared food and the others got some drinks and snacks and arranged the table.

They enjoyed the time together. They got to know Kook more and Kook found a best friend in his Chim hyung. All the hyungs were nice to him as well but he loved Chim more.

" You must try some, Jungkookie ! "

Jimin said putting a can of beer infront of him.

" No hyung, I don't want to. I hear it tastes bitter and I hate bitter taste ! "

Jungkook said making a puking face.

" Bullshit ! Who told you that ? It tastes superb. At least try some first before labeling it because other said so ! "

Taehyung said backing up Jimin.

" No hyungie, please I don't wanna. "

Jungkook said with his doe eyes and innocent pout which his hyungie can never overlook.

" Alright fine. If, you don't want don't have it. "

Taehyung said ruffling his hair and went to kitchen to get some snacks and banana milk for his baby.

But when he returned he saw Kook laying his head back om couch and wasn't talking to anyone.

" What's wrong with him ? "

Taehyung asked sitting beside him. He caressed his cheeks but Kook didn't responded and Taehyung got a whiff of alcohol from him.

" He gulped down two cans and guess, couldn't handle it ! "

Jimin said nonchalantly, sipping on his can.

" Koo ! Why did you drank that much ? You shouldn't have forced him, Chim ! This was his first time having a booze. "

Taehyung said shaking his head disappointed in Jimin. When Taehyung said Kook shouldn't if he doesn't want to, why Jimin had to force him ?

" Oh, come on ! He isn't a baby, he can handle this much. And I didn't grabbed opened his jaw and pour the beer in his mouth while pinching his nose so that, he won't be left with any other option than gulping it down ! "

Jimin sassed crossing his arms and Yoongi and Hobi looked at him in disbelief.

He just told Taehyung exactly what he did to Kook and was now acting like he is innocent. Jin and Namjoon bit their lips to not laugh out loud.

Namjoon was against Jimin forcing Kook to drink the beer against his will but he didn't said anything once Kook grabbed he can from Jimin's grip and drank it willingly.

It was getting late and Hobi and Yoongi had to leave early for work the next day and so, they wrap up the drinking program and booked cab as they all were tipsy.

The guys left after cleaning around and Taehyung and Jungkook were alone once again. Kook was slurring some incoherent words, with his eyes closed and a cute little pout on his soft lips.

Taehyung cooed at the baby bunny and picked him up in his arms to take him to his room.

It was already late and Taehyung wanted the cute baby out of his sight before he loose his mind and do something he'll regret later, as he was tipsy too.

Taehyung layed Kook on his bed and was about leave. But Kook grabbed his wrist and pulled him. The sudden action made Taehyung loose his balance and lay on top of Kook.

" Hyungie... Koo loves... hyungie. Don't... hyungie... leave Koo... No... hyungie... love hyungie... hyungie... love Koo... No hate... love Koo... hyungie... not leave... Koo good boy... hyungie..."

Kook was saying words not making any sense. But Taehyung got he has traumatized the younger and he thinks Taehyung's gonna leave him. Taehyung caressed his face gently.

" Hyungie isn't gonna leave his Koo. Hyungie loves Koo as well. Now be a good boy and go to sleep. Goodnight Koo. Hyungie loves you. "

Taehyung said and kissed his forehead and cheeks. It was very tempting to taste his lips as well...

Taehyung slapped himself mentally for thinking like that and got off Kook and went to his room to sleep... with a painful boner because of a certain cute bunny boy !


Taehyung's gonna accept his feelings for his Koo soon.

Ignore any mistakes.

That's all for this chapter, see soon with the next one 💜 💜

Loving you bit by bit 💜💜 |18+| TAEKOOK VKOOK |Where stories live. Discover now