38. Cold Shoulder Returns

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Taehyung returned home happily and brought his wifey his favourite flowers and his favourite sweet too. Well, he was very happy today. His asshole boss have granted him holidays for taking his wifey on their honeymoon moon. He hadn't talked about it yet with his Kookie because, he didn't know if, his boss will grant his holidays.

Tonight he's gonna discuss and decide with his baby about where he wants to go for their honeymoon and he'd take him there.

He was so excited to finally go somewhere with his Koo as his husband and maybe... they might take the final step in their relationship on their honeymoon if, he feels his wifey is ready for it.

He chuckled at the thought shyly. It wasn't like it was gonna be his first time doing the stuff; but it was definitely the first time of his with his baby. And his baby's first time. So, he wanted it to be special and comfortable for Kookie.

Where won't have to be embarrassed about not being able to walk straight the very next day ! He definitely won't make their first time at their home !

Thinking about all of this he rang the bell and his wifey opened the door with his cute bunny smile. Taehyung broke into his cute smile. And after handing his baby the flowers, he hugged his Kookie.

He was so happy. Little did he know, his happiness wasn't gonna last long.

He took shower and they had dinner together. Taehyung was feeling eager to have his bunny wrapped in his embrace  but he controlled himself for his Appa's sake.

After dinner and having a talk with their Appa, the couple went to their room. The moment Kook locked the door, Taehyung picked him up in his arms making in yelp in surprise and took them to their bed.

He sat on the bed with Kook on his lap, straddling him. He pulled Kook with his nape closer and started kissing him roughly.

" Mmm... hy... hyungie... mmm... I have to... tell you something... please... listen to... me... "

Kook tried hard to stop his hyungie attacking his lips like a hungry tiger; but he tiger wanted to devour his prey and so he didn't stopped till he felt a bit satisfied.

" What do you want to tell me, huh ? "

Taehyung asked softly caressing Kook's cheeks.

Kook bit his lips. He didn't had the heart to drop the bomb of him going for five months away from him, watching how clingy and in love his husband was with him. But he had to do it. It was a now or never situation !

He took deep breath and told him everything about Italy and as expected Taehyung didn't take it well.

" Hubby please, try to understand me ! "

Kook was trying his hard to convince his sad and sulking husband to let him go.

" You try to understand me, wifey ! How could you throw a bomb at me like it's nothing ? "

Taehyung said pouting angrily.

He was getting angrier because now his plans were all a waste if, Kook left. He wanted to take him out, spend quality time with his baby, get closer to him; and here his husband was telling him that he's gonna leave him for fucking five months !

" Hubby, YOU told me to go find a lover ! I anyways wanted to have my career in painting and your words were enough for me to apply for it as it was gonna keep us apart !

I won't entirely blame it on the situation back then but I'll accept it help me make up my mind for good ! "

Jungkook said wrapping his arms around his sulking husband.

Loving you bit by bit 💜💜 |18+| TAEKOOK VKOOK |जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें