14. I Do

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Jungkook looked at his reflection in the mirror once Bam was done with his make up. He couldn't hold back the soft smile decorating his beautiful face, admitting he was looking handsome.

His hyungie had gifted him dumbells on his 17th birthday and since then he grew fond of working out. He even joined the gym and now was the owner of a sexy as hell toned muscular body.

He had a little emotional chat with his Appa and uncle Kim and his uncle walked him down the aisle to his, to be husband.


It was sounding weird. Hyungie was best. But the word husband made his heart do a somersault.

He didn't took his eyes off the ground even for once while walking to the Alter. Only if he had, he would have witnessed a whipped Taehyung. But he missed that look !

" Ah, how's that ? "

Jungkook heard some guy's voice, like asking the umpire to declare the batsman out; followed by a sweet giggle.

" What are you talking about baby ? "

Another guy asked.

" Look at Tae, hyung ! Someone just clean bowled him ! "

The same giggle was heard with few other giggles this time.
The moment these words were heard, Kook's heart beat raced and he gathered his courage to look how his hyungie was looking like !

But before he could look, Somi cleared her throat making Taehyung break the chain of praising words running through his mind for the younger; there might not or HAVE some unholy words too !

He averted his eyes to ground and Jungkook cursed himself for not looking at him earlier.

Min-kyu and Jungkook reached where Taehyung was standing. Min-kyu put Kook's hand in Taehyung's and sternly said to him,

" Keep my son happy or I will beat up your ass, got it ? "

Min-kyu said and everyone burst out laughing along with Kook. Only two people didn't even smiled at that. Somi and Taehyung himself.

" Appa, I am you son not him ! And you always threaten me but have never done it. "

Taehyung said rolling his eyes.

" That time was different, rascal. But now if, you dare make my Kookie sad, I definitely will beat up your ass ! "

Min-kyu said and kook chuckled scrunching his nose and his bunny teeth on display; a weakness of Taehyung. But that proud bastard won't ever accept it.

" Uncle, I will lend you my pan don't worry. I am with you ! "

Everyone started laughing once again. Jungkook looked at he owner of the voice and he was a very handsome guy. And his laughing was sounding like windshield wiper.
And weirdly, it was sounding so cute.

Taehyung took Jungkook's hand in his and the priest started to read the vows as neither of them were interested in having their own vows.

" Do you, Kim Taehyung, take Jeon Jungkook as your lawfully wedded husband. To love him, care for him, cherish him. In sickness and in health. For richer for poorer. For better and for worse, till death do you apart ? "

Taehyung didn't said anything quickly and Kook's heart broke. Min-kyu cleared his throat and Taehyung looked at him. Min-kyu prompted him to say YES. Taehyung sighed defeated.

" Yes, I do. "

Taehyung said dryly.

" Do you, Jeon Jungkook, take Kim Taehyung as your lawfully wedded husband. To love him, care for him, cherish him. In sickness and in health. For richer for poorer. For better and for worse , till death do you apart ? "

" Yes, I... I do. "

Jungkook said in a low voice.

He was on the verge of crying. He remembered his hyungie's words from a few days ago, sounding similar to,

Till death to us apart !

He felt very bad for having his hyungie forced to marry him like this. But he doesn't have any other option.

" I now pronounce you, husbands. Put on the rings and seal your relationship with a kiss. "

The priest said and a short guy came to Taehyung and Bam to Jungkook with the rings.
They put on the rings on eachother's fingers and once again, Min-kyu had to prompt Taehyung to kiss kook.

Unwillingly Taehyung pressed his lips to Jungkook's hair quickly and stepped back.

Jungkook once again felt hurt.
He knows, his hyungie have a girlfriend. He knows his hyungie wanted to marry her.

He knew his hyungie doesn't looks at him as a partner; but his stupid heart wasn't ready to take the cold treatment he was getting from his lovey hyungie.
He hated the situation which stole the hyungie from Kookie !

Everyone came to congratulate the newly wed couple. Bambam was the first.

" Hey, Kookie ! I don't wanna say it but, congratulations on your wedding. Dude, why the fuck you had to marry ? You are basically a child yourself, haven't even stopped having banana milk yet !

And now that you are married, what about us ? What about our promise ? "

Bambam said sadly.

Tae's ears perked up at the thought of Jungkook and Bambam probably dating and now they can't as Jungkook married him. But to his dismay nothing was like that.

" Bam, stop making it sound weird ! First of all, don't you dare bring my banana milk in it.
And we are still gonna be in touch. I am not leaving the country and nor my home is magically gonna shift to the opposite end of the city.

And about our promise, I am definitely on. I never said I am not gonna join the art school with you. Just let me breathe, will ya ? "

Jungkook said tiredly getting irritated with his friend. He was really tired and was in desperate need of sleep.

He haven't got a good sleep since he found out his father has only left a few weeks to live. He have been taking his care and being with him all the time.

And after the heartbreaking words his hyungie threw at his face without caring about his situation and condition he is in, a few days ago, he have been cursing his entire being.

Firstly his Appa won't be around him anymore in a few weeks and on top ot that, his favourite hyungie, who loved him so much had turned into an unknown person overnight !

His uncle Kim was gonna be there for him and he can never take his Appa's place obviously; but he didn't loved him any less than his Appa as well !

But what about his partner ? How in the hell was he gonna get a husband when he have  already cut him off even before giving their relationship a chance ?


Bangtan boy's introduction with Kookie in the next chapter. A lill bit of mature content and jealous Tae in upcoming chapters.

I got a vote for the last chapter and I am feeling good that, there is at least one person who liked it. Thankyou so much.

I know a single vote isn't much but it's way better than nothing. Thanks for the appreciation 🤗🤗.

That's all for this chapter see you soon with the next one💜💜

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