22. Back on Track

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It was weekend and Taehyung was enjoying his holiday from his work. He joined a company as graphic designer with Yoongi, a few months ago.

Min-kyu was going out of station for his business purpose and Jungkook and Taehyung were gonna be all alone for a few days. And Jungkook thought it was the opportunity for him to talk to his hyungie.

After Min-kyu left, he prepared Taehyung's favourite for lunch and waited for him to come downstairs. The moment he came, he saw Jungkook was looking at him with his favourite bunny smile.

Taehyung couldn't stop the smile decorating his lips at the younger's happiness.

But he composed himself quickly. He went straight to the living room turning the TV on. He had made up his mind to call Somi over till his Appa returns, to avoid Jungkook.

Jungkook frowned at the elder's reaction and pouted angrily and went to Taehyung. He stood infront of his face so that, he couldn't see the TV screen.

" Move your ass, Kook ! I want to watch the match. "

Taehyung said coldly. But Jungkook wasn't gonna have any of it today. He was determined to get the elder talk to him, just like he used to before the marriage shit happened.

" I want to talk to you, hyungie ! "

Kook said determined, crossing his arms over his chest.

" But I don't. Now move ! "

Taehyung said sternly. But kook didn't budge and went closer to Taehyung. Taehyung was getting irritated and he tried to push Kook away.

But he forgot the younger wasn't the frail baby now, he was way stronger than he was back then.

Jungkook stood on his ground and Taehyung got more irritated. They started pushing eachothers and in the motion, Kook accidentally sliped and fell on top of Taehyung.
Their faces inched apart.

" I am... I am so sorry, hyungie. "

Kook said and tried to get off him but the cushion beneath his hand slipped and he again landed on Taehyung's chest.
He again tried but couldn't get off the elder.

They looked at eachothers for a few seconds before bursting into a loud laughter.

This had happened with them many times when they were young and they used to always burst out laughing. The memories still fresh like they experienced it just yesterday !

Taehyung subconsciously wrapped his arms around his Koo protectively so that, he won't fall off the couch. Jungkook leaned into his soft touch he was used to. It felt so natural. So right; to both of them !

It was like they were missing a part of them which become complete now that they are close to eachothers. It was like a jigsaw puzzle was completed of their.

They didn't even realized how much they were missing the other's warmth till now and now that they have it, it felt like they had missed this for ages.

They stayed like that for a long time. Probably making up for the lost time. After being in his hyungie's embrace, Kook finally decided to talk.

" Hyungie ? "

It came out as a whisper and Taehyung humed in response, caressing Kook's head which he had layed on Taehyung's chest.

Jungkook gripped Taehyung's shirt because he needed something to hold on, as he didn't wanted to break down infront of him and made Taehyung think Kook was emotionally blackmailing him.

" What have happened to us, hyungie ? Why are we so far away from eachothers even when, we are sharing the same roof ? " 

Taehyung's hand, which was busy caressing Kook's head stopped at his words.

He felt the need to get away from the younger, not wanting to go down that lane. And it wasn't just that.

Lately, he have started having some weird thoughts about him. And now that, they were so close he wanted to get away before any sinful thought cloud his mind.
He tried to push kook off but Kook tightened his grip.

" No hyungie ! I won't let you go. I have lost my Appa and I really don't wanna loose my hyungie now.
Please, don't be like this. I know you don't like the idea of us being married. I know you love Somi Noona !

But you too very well know, we had to do it for Appa's sake. Neither of us would have ever done this otherwise. Please, don't push me away hyungie.
I... I need my hyungie ! "

Kook said sniffing. He couldn't hold back his tears anymore.
Taehyung felt his heart wrench at the younger's words. He tightened his grip around the bunny and kissed his forehead, trying to comfort him.

" Please don't think of me as your husband. Think of me as your Kookie, hyungie ! The one you loved the most. Please hyung, return me back my hyungie. I miss him. I need him. I can't afford to loose my hyungie. Please just... Please... "

Kook couldn't continue with his words and started crying out loud. Taehyung felt guilty for leaving him alone.
He accepts, in the beginning he was refusing to talk to Kook because, he wanted to marry Somi.

And most importantly, he wanted to prove he was straight; to whom only god knows !

But slowly the sinful thoughts for the younger started to make their way into his mind and he got scared to face them.

In reality, Taehyung too felt devasted staying away from his Jungkookie and watch him being sad all alone. He wanted to end that suffering.
So, he decided to agree with the younger.

He must fulfill the promise he made to Kook; twice ! He can't leave him alone. He doesn't have anyone other than him and his Appa. He won't act heartless towards him anymore.

He tightened his grip around Kook and kissed his forehead again and again to calm him down. To let him know he was there for him and won't leave him ever again. And that his Kookie will have his hyungie back !


Finally back in his hyungie's arms ! The fluffy baby won't be sad anymore. Finally, new beginning. 💜💜

Cute Birthday Boy ☺️☺️

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Cute Birthday Boy ☺️☺️.

That's all for this chapter, see you soon with the next one 💜💜 bye bye.

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