194.Data breach

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True enough, the crowd was taken aback by the revelation. A vortex of emotions smashed on the employees' faces at the sudden sensational news that came out of nowhere. Shock, surprise, amusement combined with fear and dread.

The king of the entertainment industry had a sister? What a shock!

She is married to their devil king? Is the world coming to its end?! What terrified them the most was how exactly did they manage to stumble across this piece of classified information? As the saying goes 'dead people tell no tales'. Are they going to be burned to death in this control room or would they be buried six feet under Jeon Empires?

Taehyung pursed his lips trying to hide his genuine concern for the man lest he becomes smug.

Jungkook's lips slightly tilted up. The Kim siblings can be adorable at times. They would never reveal a single emotion but once they did, it would be written all over their faces.


Everyone's attention was grabbed by the shrill sound caused by computers.

"President, we can.. can not hold on like this...They have started hacking the data once again...It's 43 percent right now.."

Jungkook calmly walked towards the main computer. He paused slightly before looking at Taehyung as he said to Secretary Lim, "Get him an advanced laptop."

Then the man turned around and took a seat leaving Secretary Lim and the staff in contemplation as they wondered what President Kim would do with the laptop.

Taehyung raised an eyebrow as he looked at the laptop held by the Secretary before looking at Jungkook coldly. "You investigated me,' He said.

The man shrugged. Before going to the battlefield, one must know more about their opponents. So, before meeting his brother-in-law who was so close to his wife, he did his homework very well.

There was not much information about Taehyung other than his college days and how he founded Blue Stars. But it was enough for Jungkook to know that his brother-in-law seemed to fancy some weird habits like stocking all kinds of expensive perfumes and trying to make different cuisines and desserts which he later realized was because of his wife.

But other than that, what caught his interest was Taehyung is an expert hacker; the man had once hacked the college security system out of boredom.

And just like what the investigations said, Taehyung indeed was talented in hacking; he could be considered as a certified professional hacker but the man had no interest in that field. Hacking was just a way to amuse himself but his passion didn't lie there.

As Jungkook remained silent, Taehyung didn't get angry, he seemed impassive instead as he slightly leaned back on the wall, folding his hands in front of his chest. "I'm not going to do it," he paused before adding, "Maybe...I can do it if you beg me."

The poor employees got another panic attack from inside. B...Beg? President Jeon would beg someone?!

Secretary Lim wryly smiled. These men look more like toddlers bickering all day long rather than adults.

'Beep' Another beep resounded in the enormous computer room.

"President, 45 percent of the data is breached..."

But Jungkook nonchalantly leaned back on the swivel chair as if he didn't care. He calmly spoke up, "Secretary Lim, call Jennie. Tell her she should spend more time with the family, ask her to move into the Mo Manor."

"_" The employees were speechless. Was this a new twist in the story?!

Secretary Lim sneaked a peek at Taehyung before slightly nodding his head, "Alright, Pres.."

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