40.Choose your words wisely since you're a monk

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"Do you remember the mentor and business prodigy I was talking about?" he asked.

"Yes." she paused as her face turned sour when she added "That was your mentor's place where someone kissed you...And you also kissed her back."

Jungkook raised an eyebrow as he replied "Yes, that's right.That business prodigy is none other than Grandpa Kim."

Lisa was speechless.Someone assaulted her hubby right infront of her own grandfather.Where is the justice?

She didn't reply to Jungkook and the car was sunk in silence.She was thinking about all the questions she will ask her grandpa.

Soon, they reached the mansion as the servants opened the door for them.All the servants were shocked to see a handsome man with their young miss.This is the first time they witnessed something like this.

They bowed their heads as they greeted Lisa and Jungkook "Young Miss, Young Master, you are welcome here."

Lisa looked at them as she asked "Where is grandpa?"

"The old master is throwing a tantrum," the servant paused as she added "He says that he has no more interest in these other worldly desires and everything is an illusion.He chased us away as he said he that he will give up on these earthly possessions and become a monk."

Jungkook pursed his lips as he was speechless by his 'mentor's' antics.Yes, he has always seen the stern and stoic side of Kim Cheng.Though, he always treats him as his grandson, still Jungkook had never expected to face his childish side one day.

As for Lisa, her lips twitched when she heard her grandpa's new drama script.The old man has surely updated his software.

She walked towards the old man's room and knocked on the door as she called "Grandpa."

The old man didn't make an effort to open the door as he calmly said "Child, who is your grandpa? What is grandpa? These are all worldly possessions which keeps restricting you from seeing your god.I am novice monk now, I will soon live in a temple.I don't have any greed or expectations from anyone or anything.I have devoted myself to divinity."

Jungkook's eyes twitched and Lisa was speechless.

Lisa leaned her head tiredly in her hubby's embrace and the man immediately hugged her tightly as he rubbed her head.

Till today, Jungkook was feeling quite bothered by his own grandfather's antics.But now that he sees her wife, he couldn't help but feel that he is in a better state than her.His grandfather-in-law is completely in another league.His poor wife!

After hugging her hubby for a while, Lisa broke the hug and sighed "Alright grandpa, since you're a monk now.You should leave this mansion and go to a temple as soon as possible.I can use this mansion for any business purpose or just sell it."

Grandpa Kim: "_" She doesn't loves me anymore? My little girl is ready to abandon me? Has money blinded her? Humph! I won't give up on my script this time.

He calmly replied "Alright child, if this is what you want, I'll do this."

Lisa smirked "Well, it was another thing that I wanted you to meet someone today.He even came with me to meet you."

She intentionally emphasized on the 'he'.And the 'he' hit the nail on the head.

Grandpa Kim: ◐.̃◐ She brought a 'he' with her.Should I go and check? No..No..What am I thinking? I will only accept Xiao Yuhan as my grandson in law.Humph!

He again composed himself "Child, tell the 'he' child that I am a monk and I will never connect myself to anyone except divinity."

Jungkook was completely speechless.Is this the same epic legend Kim Cheng who can solve any business issue within seconds? Is the same man who always has a stoic and impassive exoression on his face?

Lisa: "_" Isn't it too much already? You old man, you still have energy to act around with me?

She sighed "Alright Grandpa, I was here with my husband.But since you don't want to meet your grandson-in-law, we will be going now.Take care, grandpa.Bye."

The old man's ears perked up instantly.He stood up in a flash second and ran towards the door.He was somehow disappointed that his granddaughter didn't choose his Kook but still he was also excited.

Seeing his little girl staying single for years, his life was seeming dull to himself.Now, he has a grandson-in-law, all he could see was colours and crackers everywhere.The world seemed beautiful to him.

But to his dismay, he couldn't open the door, no matter how he tried.After trying for a bit, he realised that the door is locked from the other side,

He quickly said "My dear little princess, open the door for your grandpa and let me meet your husband."

Lisa and Jungkook smirked in unison.Grandpa Kim is right on the tracks now.

Lisa spoke in a serious tone "What little princess? What grandpa? You are a monk now. Choose your words wisely."

Grandpa Kim harrumphed "Who said I'm a monk? Humph! Baseless rumours! The one who said this, is a monk and his whole family is a monk.Why should I be a monk? I have yet to see my great-grandchildren.Humph!"

Jungkook finally understood that his Lili is really influenced by Grandpa Kim.She has learnt a lot of things from him such as business, stubbornness and acting too.

Lisa lips twitched when she heard what her grandpa just uttered.She opened the door for him.

The old man quickly came out as he said "Oh my little babygirl, its not good to lock your grandpa like this.Where is your hus..."

He couldn't complete what he was saying because the moment he raised his eyes to look around, he found Jungkook standing beside his granddaughter.His eyes and his mouth were frozen wide open in an expression of stunned surprise.

He asked in shaky voice "Kook?"

Jungkook's lips curved up a little as he replied "Yes, Grandpa Kim.It's me."

A slow smile started buliding on his face as the surprise was sinking in his mind.He gave a quick bark of laughter as he said "My idea is that effective? You both are together as soon as you met each other in the blind date?"

Lisa's lips twitched at her grandfather's overconfidence as she said "It's been over a week that we are legally married.Stop being so confident about your blind date plans, grandpa."

Grandpa Kim was again stunned as he asked "What? How? Wait...You can come in first.Take a seat and we will discuss it."

They entered inside Grandpa Kim's room as Jungkook and Lisa sat on the sofa, whereas the old man settled himself on a couch infront of them so that he could ask them questions and observe their expressions.Little did he know that he was the one who is going to be interrogated.

Lisa looked intently at her grandpa and asked "So, grandpa, tell me.What is this all about? Blind date and everything?Why is Yuhan's grandfather pretending to be sick? Was it your plan?"

Kim Cheng froze and his eyes turned wide in disbelief as he thought 'That old fool, he can't even act? He should have learnt it from me? What am I going to do now? I just met my dream couple and I can't infuriate them, right? Furthermore, it's all that old geezer's poor acting's fault.'

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