95.Sold out his sister

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Taehyung took out some documents from his suit jacket and passed it Jungkook with a smug look on his face as if he was saying 'Hehe. I'll never give my little princess to you so easily. What will you do now?'

Jungkook glanced at the words written in bold letters 'Prenuptial Agreement'.

''You can call your lawyer if you have any doubts..." If you don't dare to sign it, you're not eligible for my little princess and you can't steal her anymore. Of course, the latter part was left unsaid. There was a devil sitting on Taehyung's shoulder as he thought Jungkook would freak out after looking at the paper. Huh! Marry his sister? Is it so easy? He will have to walk through fire in order to be with his sister.

But Jungkook remained calm as he began reading the clauses of the agreement one by one.

If Lisa is ever hurt because of Jungkook, she will get all his shares in Mo Empires.

If he cheats on her, he will have to compensate her with 80% of his wealth.

After divorce, he will pay her with 5 billion US Dollars as alimony. Many other clauses were there, all in Lisa's favour.

If Jungkook's lawyer had seen this, he would have died from heart attack. President Jeon will be in complete loss if he signs this.

But Jungkook remained silent as he read the entire agreement. Being a genius with high IQ was quite beneficial too, he could understand all the terms without the help of a lawyer.

As he finished reading it, he said "I have a condition."

Taehyung's face was smug as he thought 'If you dare to ask me to add any clauses regarding my sister's wealth, properties or her shares, I'll make sure she leaves you right now.'

Taehyung nodded his head magnanimously as he said "Alright, tell me. What clauses do you want to add or remove?"

"Call me brother-in-law after I sign this," Jungkook said.

Taehyung: "_"

With that, President Jeon wrote his name beautifully in a flowy handwriting. There was not even a hint of hesitation when he signed the papers.

Taehyung: (。ŏ_ŏ) I took care of my little cabbage for 26 years but this dog snatched it away just like that.

Only he knew how distressed he was but still, he somehow sighed in relief. Jungkook was the right man for his princess. He will cherish her and Taehyung was content with it. Although, he could deny it but he had already accepted Jungkook. The prenup was just a test. He was cautious because he will did not want to let Lisa suffer again. Those days when she will shiver from fear and always stay in dark rooms still haunt him. He will not let the history repeat itself. So, all he wished for was her happiness.

At this moment, Secretary Lim entered inside with snacks and tea but what he heard next almost caused him to trip and fall.

"You deserve my sister, Brother-in-law," Taehyung paused and added "What about betrothal gifts?"

Secretary Lim was caught off-guard as he thought 'Lady boss is the sister of this legend? No wonder! She is a big shot.'

Little did he know that his lady boss is herself a legend. Hehe!

Taehyung has asked the question rather skillfully to test the Jungkook's EQ. But was Jungkook's EQ high? Of course, it was high. He was a perfect creature, infact you can say that he is an endangered species who has no flaws.

Only infront of Lisa, Jungkook gets distracted losing his ability to think properly causing her to think that her hubby has an extremely low EQ.

''How about my sister?" Jungkook asked back like the ingenious person that he was.

Taehyung almost choked on his tea. A rare blush appeared on his face amusing Jungkook and Secretary lim.

As if it was not enough, Jungkook turned to look at Secretary Lim and said "Prepare a file mentioning everything that Jia likes, dislikes, her hobbies, everything that is needed to pursue her. Then, send it to brother's office."

Secretary Lim: "_" President, are you sure that you don't want to sell out your sister just to win your brother-in-law's favour?

Taehyung was speechless too. He could feel goosebumps all over when Jungkook addressed him as 'brother' just like the way Lisa does. Humph! Who is your brother? You stole our little Princess! Although his face was stern, but his heart softened.

Secretary Lim saw that Taehyung didn't reject his President's offer. So, he deduced that both of them are in cahoots. He nodded his head "Yes, President."

Furthermore, Jungkook is not a man who will sell off his sister. He did that because he knew both the parties were interested in each other. And he admired Taehyung as a man. So, he gave him a chance to impress his sister. He knew it well that Jennie is not an easygoing person. It would be good if they are compatible.

Since both the CEOs had extremely busy schedules, Taehyung left his office after talking for some time. He was thoroughly impressed by Jungkook and happy for his princess.

On the other hand, Jungkook was sitting with a cold aura surrounding him. He was a bit disappointed in Jin. He has entrusted Lili to him but he just left her alone.

Furthermore, he didn't believe that their grandmother will disappear all of a sudden. If that was the case, they would have informed him first.

Even if their grandmother disappeared, what Jin did was extremely irresponsible. He left Lisa alone at a place like that. He should have ensured her security before leaving. But what he did was neither good for Lisa nor beneficial in finding grandmother. He was indecisive.

Being the successors of a royal family, one has to stay calm and collected no matter how grave the situation is. Just like Lisa maintained her composure even under the influence of drugs. Jungkook, Taehyung and Jennie are of the same caliber. Although Jin is also a genius but he is impulsive sometimes, just like yesterday. He should have waited for the security backup to come before leaving the place.

Jungkook picked up his phone and dialed Jin's number, the call was connected within two rings as the pufferfish said "Brother. Did you miss me?"

He was somewhat happy that his brother called him. He thought it must because he was missing him badly, but he failed to sense the danger looming above his head.

"What happened to grandmother?" Jungkook asked.

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