31.You will no longer be Jungkook's girlfriend

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Eunha's face darkened and she felt utterly humiliated as she said "Mannerless!"

Being the doting husband he is, Jungkook looked at Lisa as he asked "Did you forget to bring the sanitizer?"

Lisa looked at him and smirked "Yes"

Jungkook nodded his head and looked at Eunha with a serious expression as he said "Miss Jung, my girlfriend prefers to stay away from filthy things when she forgets to bring the sanitizer with her."

The men behind Eunha: "_" How can this man insult someone with such a straight face and serious expression?

Eunha's face reddened in anger and humiliation and her heart felt as if it was being stabbed.

But then again, she quickly regained her composure as she thought 'They humiliated me first.And now I will do the same.'

Eunha looked at Lisa as she said "Miss, are you not afraid of being called the homewrecker by coming in between a couple? He is my fiance."She said as she raised her hand to show a diamond ring in her hand.

Lisa smirked as she calmly said ''Well, not afraid!"

Lisa looked at the ring but it didn't bother her.The diamond in the ring was surely big and expensive but it didn't have any feelings or emotions inside it.

Looking at the ring, Lisa could say that her hubby must have asked his secretary to buy any random expensive ring for a formality.

Jungkook looked at Eunha and said "Watch your words.I am your Ex Fiance! The engagement has been called off from a long time."

Eunha's face turned sour.

Eunha was even more infuriated as she looked at Lisa and said "What are you so smug about? Do you think you deserve to be Mrs.Jeon? He is just fooling around with you."

Jungkook looked at Eunha with a 'If she can't be Mrs.Jeon, do you think anybody else is in the position to marry me?' written all over his face.

But he didn't say anything.He kept quiet.He knew that his wife wanted to play around a bit.When she will get bored, he will then end the game.

As for Lisa, she was completely unfazed by the girl's provocation as she said "What will I have to do in order to deserve him?"

Eunha smirked.Finally, this arrogant girl fell into her trap.

Eunha was walking around with her brother and best friend earlier when she spotted the couple.She was just behind them so she had heard it clearly when Lisa asked Jungkook to teach her how to use a gun.She looked like a little girl asking for a candy.

Eunha couldn't help but be jealous.Despite being engaged to Jungkook for a long time, the man had never once glanced at her but now he is doting on a random woman? How could she let that happen? He was even wearing such casual clothes for her.Eunha had never seen him in anything but suits.

She smirked as she looked at Lisa and said "Let's have a shooting contest.The one who scores more point will win."

Lisa wanted to deny but when she opened her mouth, she said "Alright!"

The men behind Eunha smirked as one of them said "Do you know how skilled my sister is in shooting? Do you think you can defeat her?"

The another man laughed as he said "Well, you can't even use a gun.Let it be but I think you can't even keep your wrist straight after holding the gun."

Eunha smirked "Let's talk about the bet first.What is your condition if you win?"

Lisa's face was expressionless as usual "Well you can say your condition now.I'll think about mine after the game is over."

Eunha laughed inwardly as she thought that this girl will never be able to say her condition.She doesn't knows how to use a gun yet she thinks of defeating her? How funny!

She giggled and said "If I win, you will no longer be Jungkook's girlfriend."

Everyone looked at Lisa in anticipation for her answer but she didn't even hesitate once before saying "Alright, you go first."

Jungkook wanted to stop her but then again, he could see the determination in her eyes.She wanted to have some fun so he will let her have it.

So what if she is no longer his girlfriend.He is her husband and she will forever be his wife.

The rest of them were shocked by Lisa's reply as they wondered if she is really in such a hurry to break up with Jungkook.

Lisa was also wondering what's wrong with her.She was feeling like she was possessed by something.She wanted to say something but instead she said something else.Yet, her expression remained impassive.

Eunha smirked as she said "Alright!''

She went forward and picked up the toy rifle and started shooting.She scored total 80 points but when it cake to bullseye, she failed a bit.She is skilled in shooting yet bullseye had always been difficult for her.

Lisa was also impressed by her as she thought that women like this can be an inspiration if they stop chasing after a man and behaving like a bitch.

The two men who were with Eunha smiled and clapped their hands.

Jungkook stood there with his usual straight face as his right hand was tucked in his pocket and the left one was being hugged and cuddled by his wife.He appeared completely uninterested in Eunha's shooting skills.

Eunha turned around and saw how indifferent Jungkook was behaving when it came to her.Her face turned dark as she saw that he was not even interested in her shooting skills.

But then, she regained her composure as she thought that it will be quite fun to humiliate the arrogant girl.Maybe then, Jungkook would realize that she is always a better option for him.

But little did she know that when it comes to women, Jungkook never kept any options.He had only one priority and that is none other than his little wife.No matter if she skilled or not, he only wants her.

Jungkook kissed her forehead.Lisa smiled as she went to the spot where Eunha was standing at.

Lisa was really confused that why did she agree to such a stupid bet when she isn't skilled in shooting.Not that she wanted to agree for it, but when she opened her mouth at that time, she blurted out 'Alright' for this bet.

Eunha passed the toy rifle to Lisa who held it nervously.Lisa's hand shook a bit and her posture was also not right.Her nervousness was clearly visible on her face.

Eunha came closer to her ear as she whispered "You are quite arrogant.Do you think Jungkook will be yours forever.He may not be interested in me but there will be a day when he will also find someone better than you.And then he will replace her with you."

With that, Eunha turned around and left.

Jungkook could see the nervousness visible on Lisa's face so he stepped forward to walk towards her and stop her from doing this if she doesn't wants.

But he stopped in his tracks when he saw what Eunha was whispering in her ear.Jungkook was almost near them, still he couldn't hear what Eunha whispered.But, he knew how to read lips so he immediately understood whatever she whispered near Lisa's ear.

He could feel the strong aura that started emanating from Lisa.Her eyes turned cold and her face turned rigid.The cute girl was nowhere to be seen now because her each attitude was revealing her murderous intent.Eunha also shivered from her aura and walked away from her.

The two men and Eunha: (๏_๏) How come the little rabbit turned into a devil queen?

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