74.Jungkook's fiancee?

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She walks in beauty, like the night

Of cloudless climes and starry skies;

And all that's best of dark and bright

Meet in her aspect and her eyes;

Thus mellowed to that tender light,

Which heaven to gaudy day denies.

When she walked out of the room, Jin's breathe hitched causing him to remember this song. His goddess is beautiful as usual. But he still couldn't take his eyes off her. Then, he looked at her with worried gaze and said "Lali, I think you shouldn't go. You look so stunning that the men will look at you with lusty eyes and brother will kill me by then."

Lisa shrugged off with an expression saying 'I don't want to go too.'

Indeed, she was not a bit interested in such events. But she wanted to know why exactly has the Gong Family invited her. Ash Corporation and Jeon Empires are the most invincible group in the country and held a prestigious position throughout the world.

But as much as she knew, the Gongs aren't obliged to invite them. If it was anyone else, it could have been catagorized as intentional offence. But it was the Gong Family and everyone knew the fact that only limited people have the invitation to events organized by Gongs.


Reporters were roaming around and scanning the the entire place with their sharp gazes. They weren't allowed to enter inside the ballroom. So they could only cover up hot topics by surrounding the red carpet space.

A mercedez benz pulled off as a middle aged man got out of the car and walked to the other side to open the door. A young woman stepped out of the car and held his arms as they walked towards the red carpet.

Her beautiful short hair was complimenting her sleeveless white gown. The dress was making her cleavage appear more deeper and it was hugging her curves in the right places. In short, she looked stunning.

The reporters quickly nodded in appreciation as they started throwing their questions.

"Miss Jung, you look so pretty today. Isn't your gown from the latest chanel collection?"

"Indeed, Miss Jung is so gorgeous today. When are you going to get married?"

"Mr. Jung, are you here with your daughter for some special purpose?"

All of them knew how selective Songs were regarding their event's guest list. Although, Jung Family was quite prestigious because of their military background. But they were nowhere near the three royal families.

So, the reporters were quite curious for why they are invited here.

Furthermore, everyone had impressions of the engagement of Eunha and Jungkook. Though both the families never made it public, but still they got some clues.

Those clues could be known as 'deliberate hints' dropped by Eunha to attract everyone's attention towards herself but the media were fools. Being the blockheads they are, they've always thought that the the rumour about the engagement was true.

It was just that they never got more information to confirm it and Mo Family is very low-key. Taking advantage of the current situation, they started questioning regarding that matter.

"Miss Jung, are you really engaged to President Jeon?"

At this moment, Mr. Jung who was Eunha's father frowned. The Jeon's and Jung's would have became in-laws today if his daughter hadn't been stupid to drug Jungkook. Atleast, that was what he thought.

"Mr. Jung, when will be the marriage between the two families?"

"Miss Jung is so gorgeous. She deserves to be with President Jeon. When will you both marry?"

At this moment, Eunha's expression was quite smug because she was practically floating on cloud nine. Indeed, she is the who is perfect for Jungkook. He must be fooling around with the bumpkin who was with him in the amusement park.

She felt a chill running down her spine whenever she remembered the expression on Lisa's face when she shot her finger and ruined the ring.

But she will always shrug it off 'So what if she is good at shooting? I come from a prestigious family, I am rich, educated and beautiful. Yuhan will soon dump that vicious woman and come to me.'

Fools loved to live their life in delusions!

She smiled warmly at the reporters. And reporters couldn't help but look at her with a shining gaze as if they just saw a beautiful angel in dressed in white.

As for Eunha, she wanted some more rumours to circulate around the social circle. So, she wanted to say that 'Jungkook is quite busy these days.'

But just as she opened her mouth to speak, she realized the attention of the reporters was already shifted as they were all watching at a certain direction with their mouths agape.

The latest Buggati "La Voiture Noire" pulled off infront of the red carpet. It had a smooth, unique shape made of jet-black carbon fibre. It was only one in the whole world.

Everyone waited in anticipation as they saw the driver walked out and opened the car door.

Jin walked out of the car making the reporters gasp and squeal. Eunha was also stunned when she saw the man. She knew that he was Jungkook's younger brother. Looking at how handsome he looked, she thought it would also be fine if she married him. But what can she do when Jungkook is the CEO of Jeon Empires and the one she loves.

The reporters again held their breathe as they watched Jin walking towards the other side and opening the door. Jin apeared like a pure gentleman when he extended his right hand, putting the other hand behind his back as he bend down a little. It appeared as if he was extending his hand for a princess.

A fair jade-like hand came into their views, and then they saw the woman who stepped out of the car.


Noone spoke a word when they saw the woman infront of them.

The place was eerily silent.

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