62.Jeon siblings' self restraint

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"Lali, stop blaming me. I have never got bitten by a mad dog then why would I provoke that little devil?" he made a seemingly innocent face as he started explaining.

15 minutes ago....


Jisoo's Audi R8 crashed with Jin's baby Ferrari due to which the poor baby Ferrari suffered severe scars. Jisoo's car was a bit deformed too.

Jin hurriedly got out of the car as he stared at his precious baby ferrari in disbelief. He couldn't calm the burning rage in himself when he saw his disfigured baby.

The Daddy Jin inside him kicked in as he decided to avenge his poor baby Ferrari who was on brink of being hospitalized.

Jisoo was biting her lower lips as she contemplated how to flee from the crime scene. But before the criminal could come up with an idea, her car's glass was constantly being knocked.

She shrank back in fear when she saw Jin's cold face. She gulped and got out of the car.

Seeing her lowering head like a cute puppy softened Jin's eyes a bit but his face still remained impassive.

He crossed his hands over his chest as he spoke in a slow yet dangerous voice "So?"

She glanced at him and fiddled with her fingers as she thought 'Hot..So hot! He is looking dangerous yet so sexy. What have I gotten myself into? What should I do now?'

She gulped and softly muttered "H..Hey handsome! What's up?"

Jin narrowed his eyes "$4.5 million."

"Wh..What did you say handsome?"

"The price of the car you just damaged," he replied.

Jisoo smiled awkwardly "You are asking for compensation?"


She pouted. Well, it's not that she can't afford to pay but she didn't want to do it because it will put a little brakes on her endless shoppings.

A mischievously glint was visible in her eyes as she seductively said "Well, handsome..I have a better way to compensate."

Jin gulped and he started feeling goosebumps all over his body. Who will not behave like that when a gorgeous and hot infamous supermodel is flirting with you?

Still, he remained expressionless.

Jisoo approached him and grabbed his collar, standing on tiptoes she whispered "Say handsome, do you need me to compensate like this or..."

She wrapped her arms around his neck and raised her knee caressing his crotch as she continued "Or like this."

Jin was feeling electrified with her every touch. This feeling was completely different. He has never once felt so no matter which woman tried to seduce him.

The Jeon siblings' self control can never be underestimated. No matter how hot or sexy the opponent is, they will always remain expressionless like icebergs.

But these days, situations are changing. Years of their self control is shattering as if it never existed. Jeon Jungkook is tamed by Kim Lalisa whereas Jeon Jennie is bewitched by Kim Taehyung.

And the legendary pufferfish Jeon Seokjin is squirming under Yang Jisoo's touch. He could already feeling the erection of his little brother down there.

The tips of his ears were turning red as he softly pushed her aside and coldly said "Get lost."

Jisoo giggled seeing his cute expressions and she really couldn't believe her eyes because the Second Young Master Jeon is blushing. But before she could tease him more, her phone started ringing.

When she saw that it was her manager, her face turned sour and she excused herself to answer the call.

The blushing pufferfish took advantage of the situation and decided to run away. Daddy Jin abandoned his baby Ferarri and went to his sister-in-law so that he could complain about his misfortunes.

Jisoo smiled warmly when she looked at his back. After talking to her manager, she decided to meet her right away because it was an emergency.

Coming back to Present:

Lisa was having a hard time stifling her laughter as she heard the poor puffy's story.

She burst out laughing as she said "Puffy, you got turned on when she just caressed you with her knee? What will happen if she uses hand or mouth?"

Jin: "_"

"I think she will be on top whereas you will be on bottom right?" she continued.

"No..No..I'll be on top..." realizing what he has just blurted out, Jin bit his tongue as his ears turned red "Cough..Since when did you become so passionate President Kim?"

Lisa walked towards him as she pinched his cheeks and said "You are so cute right now. Sooyah made you blush."

Jin was speechless but quickly a warm smile made its way on his lips when he saw how happy Lisa was. He patted her head as he said "Stay happy like this."

Lisa smiled but then her expression turned solemn as a sudden thought came to her mind.

"Why do they want to remove Jungkook from the position of the CEO?" she asked though she already knew the answer.

Jin was startled by her question because he never thought that his brother would share this with her. But then again, they never leave a chance for PDA.

He sighed "Well, who isn't greedy for power. They always wanted to do this but now they got an absurd reason. They think bro has married some poor girl and they are making up things to spoil his image. But my bro will not be Jungkook if these mere old geezers could deal with him. Bro will show them where they belong to, once they made a move."

Lisa nodded.

Just then an anxious Tzuyu entered the office as she looked at both of them with an serious expression.

Both Lisa and Jin could say that it was something important so they looked at her waiting for her to speak.

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