23.Are you humiliating President Jeon?

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When she heard what her 'pufferfish' was saying Lisa nonchalantly replied "That cousin Nancy of yours is coming with your brother. Furthermore, yesterday I missed him so much that I couldn't sleep. Tell me Jin, would you blame me if I kill that girl today?"

Before Jin could reply, Tzuyu covered her mouth in shock as she exclaimed "You...You..you got married? How could you not tell me? You told brother Jin about it? Do I not matter to you? Am I not your friend? I know that Jisoo is more closer to you than me that's why you didn't share this with me. She is currently abroad yet you don't come to me when you have something to tell. I feel so sad."

Lisa's expression softened a bit when she saw Tzuyu being sad like this.

Tzuyu has stayed with her for almost seven years as her secretary.

But she is not some ordinary poor girl or anything like that. She is the legitimate heir of the Chou Family which is well known for its military background.

They don't have royal blood like Jeon's or Kim's but

they are still well established and their power can't be denied.

As for why Tzuyu doesn't live with them, it's a matter of another day to discuss.

Well, yes, Kim's also come from the royal bloodline. But Lisa never liked such royal treatment and people bootlicking her. That's why she had never let anyone know that she is the granddaughter of Kim Sheng. She hid her identity from everyone because she did not want to attract unnecessary attention.

But if she kept herself under wraps forever, then she is afraid that someone will devour her husband as a whole.

She flinched at the thought of this. She shrugged off such thoughts as she looked at Tzuyu and sighed "I did not mean to keep it a secret from you. Furthermore, we three have always been close to each other. I never got a chance to tell anyone about it as it was a flash marriage. As for Jin, he came to know because I have married his elder brother."

Tzuyu sighed. She looked at her apologetically as she said "I'm sorry Lali. I thought everyone knows about it without me...." she paused as she exclaimed shockingly "Wait! What? Brother Jin has an elder brother and you married him? Who?"

Lisa was expressionless as she replied "Jungkook."

Tzuyu nodded her head but when she realized which legend's name her friend has just mentioned, her mouth formed an 'O' shape as she was completely terrified "D..don't..tell me that..that you married President Jeon of Mo Empires?"

"Indeed, I married him." Lisa replied.

Tzuyu couldn't contain her excitement as she shouted "Ohh my god! Baby, you married Jungkook? I am so happy for you." she paused as she flinched a bit as she asked ''W..wait...Elder brother? Brother Jin's brother? Jin is the Second Young Master Jeon?

Jin laughed hard as he said "Wow, Tzu. You sure realized it so fast. Heh~You are so smart!"

Tzuyu smacked his shoulder as she said "Brother Jin, don't tease me alright? You just never told me about it before."

They continued bickering but they didn't notice Lisa's dark expression. Her heart was feeling as if it is about to blast if she does not see her man.

Suddenly, they heard Tzuyu shriek as she said "Lali, I forgot to tell you why I came here. Actually, President Jeon and the rest have arrived. I It'sbeen 15 minutes that they are waiting. Let's go!"

''Let them wait!" Lisa replied without raising her head as she glanced at her phone.

Tzuyu panicked "How can we let them wait? He is President Jeon Afterall and your husband too? Let's go or we will be late."

"Late? Hehe!" Lisa paused as she laughed. Her laugh made Jin and Tzuyu shrunk back in fear. Then, they heard the girl say "This is my territory. I am the queen here!"

When she went to Jeon Empires, her excitement could not be contained. But didn't it fizzle out in the end?

She did not feel good about it.

Jin smiled dotingly at his sister-in-law as he turned to look at Tzuyu and said "And the queen is never late. The rest have just arrived early. Go there and handle the situation. President Kim will arrive at sharp 10:00 AM and there are still five minutes left for that."

Tzuyu looked towards both of them as she smiled and nodded. These two people can make anyone confident with their aura.

Not that Tzuyu lacked cofidence. She has always been a strong and bold woman.

Tzuyu entered the meeting room and the first thing she heard was "This CEO Kim sure is arrogant. How dare she let our President Jeon wait?"

Tzuyu noticed the way Jungkook's face turned cold when he heard what his secretary said.

It was clearly evident on his face that he was damn frustrated and he could explode any moment.

How could she let her brother-in-law's anger flare up when it is his first time meeting her sister as President Kim.

She saw Lisa and Jisoo as her own sisters. Jin had already described the situation and she couldn't let the idiotic secretary create any drama here.

Tzuyu entered the room as she said "Patience is virtue and I see you need to learn patience, Mr. Chanyeol."

Chanyeol stopped his babbling as he looked at the girl infront of him. She has a bad attitude but an undeniably beautiful face and a perfect body too. He couldn't help but feel attracted to her.

Then, he thought of something as he asked "Are you President Kim?"

There is no way he could match up to President Kim's status. Even ten Im families will not suffice.

Tzuyu didn't bother to look at him as she walked to Jungkook and bowed infront of him as she said "President Jeon, it's an honor to have you here. I am President Kim's secretary. President Kim will be here soon."

Jungkook nodded his head as he thought how much the two secretaries differ from each other. He would have never let a spoilt party boy to be his secretary.

But his grandfather and Chanyeol's grandfather are friends and his grandfather tricked him into doing this.

His grandfather asked him for a birthday gift and when Jungkook agreed to it, the old man asked him to take Chanyeol as his secretary for 2 years. He couldn't go back on his word.

Jungkook was not denying that Chanyeol is a capable and competent secretary. But, he often liked to mix up his personal and professional lives which was his biggest flaw.

Jungkook has already decided to dismiss him from his post as soon as he gets a new secretary.

Chanyeol smirked when he heard that Tzuyu was a mere secretary. That means it will be easy for him to bed her. But right now, he was getting really impatient. Why did this CEO Kim has not arrived yet?

His anger flared again as he looked towards Tzuyu as he said "Your President Kim is quite proud about heself. Who does she thinks she is? We are waiting for her....."

Before he could complete his sentence, Jin entered the room as he glared at Chanyeol coldly.

Jungkook raised his head as he looked at Jin and nodded his head. Jin nodded back.

The directors and Vice President of Jeon Empires stared at Chanyeol as they wondered why this foolish man has to dig his own grave. Looking at Jin's expression, the knew that he was a goner now.

As for Nancy, she was staring at Jungkook like a lovesick fool, not caring about the surroundings.

Jin didn't step inside. Instead, he stood there as he stared coldly at Chanyeol as he mockingly said "Secretary Im, there is a famous saying 'We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are'...." he paused as he added, "Do you think, for you, a mere secretary, President Kim will leave all her work to arrive early?"

Chanyeol's face turned red from embarrassment as he said "I am the heir of Im Conglomerate not a mere secretary. Furthermore, does President Kim not respect President Jeon? Are you trying to humiliate him?"

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